The Referee ('s wife) strikes back!


Level 5 Referee
I just remembered a story a friend told me a few years ago about a match he'd had the day before.
Although he is 100% white Anglo-Saxon, he doesn't look it. His skin tone and facial hair make him look middle eastern, and that together with the fact that he appears to go all out to make himself look suspicious at every opportunity means he looks like a recent convert to IS. We've been abroad together a few times and when we go through customs I can always hear the sound of marigolds snapping! This is actually relevant!

His game was between two teams who had issues, both with each other and with him. Because the district is quite small, most of the players know each other. They also see the same Referees quite often. It therefore went as expected, with several cautions for both sides. One of the home team was dismissed for OFFINABUS towards the referee. The grief carried on after the game, both from the dismissed player and also from both teams, who were reported for continuing misconduct.

When I saw him the next day he told me that his wife had been shopping earlier that day in a frozen food shop (the one named after a country, which is advertised by Peter Andre) when she had met the dismissed player. He worked in the said shop and knew who she was. He had therefore carried on the abuse, this time towards her.

My friend's wife is not what I would call warm. In fact, I'm a bit scared of her, and I'm a 6'5" ex-squaddie! The player, who is a lot smaller than me, obviously didn't feel the same way. That was his first mistake. The second was then abusing her two small children, calling them some awful names and inferring they were of mixed race.

At that point she lost it! Apparently she picked him up and threw him in one of the chest freezers! The police had to be called to rescue him. In light of what he was saying when she attacked him the store did not press charges, and the player does not work there any more.

Apparently he was also charged with misconduct by the CFA for the abuse in the shop as well as during and after the match!

Still makes me chuckle!
A&H International
I would have loved to have seen the panel at a hearing...

'Furthermore, while working in the local Iceland it is noted you continued verbal abuse to the wife and children of the referee, before the wife had enough and threw you in a freezer'

Imagine trying to keep a straight face at that! :D