the power, or not, of local leagues

Kent Ref

RefChat Addict
1. Back in my early reffing career local leagues had a lot of power over which players can register to play in their league etc. Leagues had the power to ban player from playing in their league (but not from playing anywhere else though).

2. A player reported for serious misconduct would be banned immediately by the league pending CFA action. Am i right in thinking leagues cannot do that now and any bans can only come from the county FA's?

3. Also, when it comes to banning players for a long time i remember being told this by a league officer. Joe Bloggs could get a long ban from a league but he could register under an assumed name and then could carry on playing in another league and that league would be none the wiser. Does that sound possible or is it a load of old rubbish?

A&H International
@Kent Ref - you are correct. All fines and bans for players now have to come from the CFA - it is under consistency and "inclusiveness". The only power leagues have under the Standard Code of Rules is whether a player has accumulated over 10 weeks of bans in the past 2/3 (?) years, then they can excluded for a specific time.

Additionally, with online registrations and social media, it is highly difficult for players to register under false names in their areas. Teams grass them up all the time = fines to the league for ineligible players....:smoke::smoke::smoke:
Can a league stop a particular player from registering the following season?

Covered by rule 18(G)(iii) is SCoR, as below …

The Management Committee shall have power to make application to refuse or cancel the registration of any Player charged and found guilty of undesirable conduct (subject to Rule 7) subject to the right of appeal to the Sanctioning Authority. Application should be made to the parent County of the Club the Player is registered or intending to be registered with.

Undesirable conduct shall mean an incident of repeated proven misconduct, which may deter a Participant from being involved in this Competition.

So yes they can, but only after repeated misconduct and they have to apply to the club's CFA for permission to do so.
I remember when this rule went through there was a large argument between leagues and county FAs / The FA as to what amount of days banned was the "magic figure" to prevent registration.

I wonder if repeated means 2 or does it mean more?