The current FIFA farce


Politically Incorrect
A lot has been said an uncovered over recent weeks about the way FIFA has been run.

And as usual, the deluded Mr Blatter hangs onto power by the thinnest of threads. For now at least.

The fact these senior fat cats have been helping themselves to funds in various ways, deciding the outcome of various 'diplomatic votes' etc is disgraceful.

And personally I feel the worst has yet to come out.

The way these people have acted and conducted their 'business is disgraceful. It's akin to stealing from charity in my book.

So what should happen? How should, or even how can FIFA move forwards in the long term?
A&H International
In an ideal world FIFA should be re-built from the ground up, so that it would be in essence a completely new governing body.
It should also become completely transparent with no one hold a post longer than say 3 consecutive terms in post, similar to the US president.

But this is unlikely to happen, perhaps international football needs some sort of mulinational watchdog, to ensure things like this can't be allowed to happen in the future.
I agree with @zarathustra - a re-build exercise from bottom to top would work wonders - with an open book too!

or maybe set up a kind of G8 conference where ideas are passed and votes are cast and majority is where we go ... the main holders would be:

English FA (incorporated with Scotland and Wales and N. Ireland)
Spanish FA
Italian FA
Dutch FA
German FA
French FA
Portugese FA
Swiss FA
Russian FA

if we ensured an odd number of FA's in the conference then there would also never be an even split!

this way, there is NO leader, NO corruption and everyone ahs their own say.

the HQ should be held in an EU country and not Swiss as they have their own laws etc - it should be a world wild accessible law.

and the general meetings will be relocated between each country on a pro-rata basis i.e. taking it in turns to host the meetings
That's a very Euro-centric view of the world of football @Charlie Jones. Football's a global game whether you like it or not. And why do you think that erstwhile bunch of associations is worthy of leading the world game? Maybe if you reconsidered associations outside of Europe you'd find a much better balance. It has taken the FBI to shake FIFA like it has so, maybe the USA should have a place. China is powerful and wouldn't want to be missing out. Australia, Japan, South Korea could argue a place for themselves and there's always India, Malaysia, Indonesia, countries with vast populations which love football. Then we consider the impact of African football on European and World football and that's before looking to South America countries who have managed to win a few World Cups between them.

And with abstentions, there's always the likelihood of a tie in any vote irrespective of numbers as long a quorum exists. Yo don't need a leader but a chair would have a deciding vote (a bit like Len Goodman who even you must like as he's a Hammer).

English FA (incorporated with Scotland and Wales and N. Ireland)
And I'm not even going to contemplate the mess that'll cause.
English FA ... because, well, we speak on their behalf for every other political matter?

and the reason I listed most of those nations was a. to start a list! and b. besides America Canada and Japan, that is the G8 with a couple of renowned footballing countries in the mix.

and of course there wouldn't be a tie?

'shall we dispose of the offside rule, yes or no?'

no tie can be accrued there in a odd number summit?
English FA ... because, well, we speak on their behalf for every other political matter?

and the reason I listed most of those nations was a. to start a list! and b. besides America Canada and Japan, that is the G8 with a couple of renowned footballing countries in the mix.

and of course there wouldn't be a tie?

'shall we dispose of the offside rule, yes or no?'

no tie can be accrued there in a odd number summit?
Taking you list of 9 G8 countries and the question you pose:-
Yes - 4
No - 4
Abstain - 1

A tie?
@Charlie Jones
As a youngster and relatively new referee, you don't realise what your suggestion that the English FA to speak for the other counties would create. @SM hasn't commented yet, so you are not yet banned.

The Scots, Welsh and Irish believe that losing their FA voice at FIFA means their national teams would have to combine with the English as a UK team.

Negiotating a peace treaty would easy compared to this.
@Charlie Jones
As a youngster and relatively new referee, you don't realise what your suggestion that the English FA to speak for the other counties would create.

Always gets my goat to hear that said.
There's no such thing as "the English FA". There is only one FA. Then there is the Scottish FA, the German FA, the French FA etc.

Only a minor point, but something I think every proud Englishman should be aware of. ;)
Did anybody watch the programme about the fall of FIFA on Channel 5 this evening?

Eye opening to say the least.

And still you can't rule out the ever arrogant Danny Devito's grandfather of an 11th hour comeback.

What an abhorrent individual he is.