Junior/Youth "That must be a new change in the rules for that to be a red!"

I tend to have less patience with captains. Set an example or I will make an example of you.
A&H International
It was the captain I sent off after 22 minutes!

You said every decision was being moaned at before then, so you could have called him over and warned him, often isolating a player will calm him down.

After dismissal someone still had to take on capt's armband so my method could still have been tried after the sending off
I hate this more than anything. Along with 'do you want a word with the boys before'. I am aware some refs do this. But why should I have to stand there and tell them I'll be enforcing the lotg and not to swear etc. I've got enough on my plate controlling a game, I firmly believe the club should be having those conversations with their players. It's not up to me to set the acceptable level of behaviour. The clubs should set a high standard that matches the strictest of officials.
Dave, thought to consider. Had a recent meeting of one of the Youth leagues I ref on .. mixture of officials & coaches. Strong view coming from the coaches that they really liked it when refs do interact with their players before the game. Partly because it breaks down any barriers and makes the refs more approachable and partly because it does offer an opportunity to be clear about tolerance levels (which will inevitably vary from ref to ref as this forum shows!). I totally agree that it shouldn't really be neccesary for this latter reason but I'm open to considering anything that improves my match control, especially at U13-U15 where attitudes and understanding of the Laws varies so greatly
I'm seeing an opportunity to make some money here

has anyone ever turned up with a couple of dozen copies of the lotg and asked if anyone wants to buy a copy before the match starts, I wonder

well, it works with programmes...
Dave, thought to consider. Had a recent meeting of one of the Youth leagues I ref on .. mixture of officials & coaches. Strong view coming from the coaches that they really liked it when refs do interact with their players before the game. Partly because it breaks down any barriers and makes the refs more approachable and partly because it does offer an opportunity to be clear about tolerance levels (which will inevitably vary from ref to ref as this forum shows!). I totally agree that it shouldn't really be neccesary for this latter reason but I'm open to considering anything that improves my match control, especially at U13-U15 where attitudes and understanding of the Laws varies so greatly

Interesting and certainly food for thought. I can see the benefits. However I stand by my feelings that the clubs should prepare themselves for the strictest of officials. Rather than me having a chat with them and them working out how far they can push it. And also at the risk of sounding like Ian Wright's mini hitler, I'm not worried about being approachable. To the managers and coaches I will make myself as accessible as possible. However I think as a ref we are in the position of power and authority on the pitch and don't need to be approachable to the players massively. We are there to enforce the laws as they are set and once I've made a decision it's not an open forum for debate.

I'm aware others probably won't agree with that stance.
I agree Dave, whether the referees are lienient or not the players should know before any ball is kicked that if they run off at the mouth then they run the risk of a card, rules are rules and if they come across a strict ref who enforces those to the word then they should think, ok this game is as per the rulebook properly so lets not do anything stupid
Guys ....in adult football ....players ....(believe it or not ......players are not stupid ) if they get a ref they havnt had before , they automatically gauge everything about you in the first 10 mins from the second you walk on that pitch ....Body language , how you interact pre match , ie talking to players as your checking the nets and so on

if you walk out quiet , shy and weak with your head on the floor , you are gonna get a hard 90 mins.

1st my Mentor told me .....head up , don't slouch , look confident .....no matter how badly your ****ting yourself !!!!

Think he was ex Army ....
'What has annoyed me is I thought I had a good game. A couple of decisions I'd normally have come away thinking hmmm could have given it. But overall was pleased. So the fact I was getting such abuse for the entire 90 minutes makes me wonder why I bother. In many ways I wish I'd been awful then could at least understand the abuse I was getting!'

Always happens!!'