Teams Dropping Out


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
I have noticed more this season than any other that in both my Saturday and Sunday leagues, teams are dropping out as they are struggling to get players. This has always been a worrying trend in previous seasons but typically new teams join to replace those that are not starting a new season. Now they are dropping out mid season.
I have spoken to my local referees secretary to suggest 11AM kick off's instead of 10.30AM in the hope the extra 30 mins may allow more players to make KO time. In my day the pubs kicked you out at 11PM so making a Sunday morning kick off was a lot easier.
Young adults these days have additional pressures of work, alternative sports and varied leisure distractions and so grass roots football is in trouble in my humble opinion.
Referees are now having to take more "rest" days as we have more officials than matches to cover.
What are your observations and opinions?
A&H International
More refs than matches. Blimey where I am in essex I could probably pack in six games over a weekend if I wanted!
I have noticed more this season than any other that in both my Saturday and Sunday leagues, teams are dropping out as they are struggling to get players. This has always been a worrying trend in previous seasons but typically new teams join to replace those that are not starting a new season. Now they are dropping out mid season.
I have spoken to my local referees secretary to suggest 11AM kick off's instead of 10.30AM in the hope the extra 30 mins may allow more players to make KO time. In my day the pubs kicked you out at 11PM so making a Sunday morning kick off was a lot easier.
Young adults these days have additional pressures of work, alternative sports and varied leisure distractions and so grass roots football is in trouble in my humble opinion.
Referees are now having to take more "rest" days as we have more officials than matches to cover.
What are your observations and opinions?
Know what you mean Anthony, teams have dropped out mid season in each of the last three seasons on my main Saturday league. However, because I generally do youth on a Sunday, I'm with Dave in that there is WAY more games than refs if you enjoy reffing the younger ages .. and the standard of the Under 18's compares well with the Open Age matches
This is something I had noticed. Work commitments and lack of player commitment seem to be the biggest noted reason. That and having problems getting players to pay fines.
This is something I had noticed. Work commitments and lack of player commitment seem to be the biggest noted reason. That and having problems getting players to pay fines.

Cant get the players to pay their fines hey! Sounds like your dishing out too many cards then! ;)
@Anthony It has been a trend in my area for a few seasons now that clubs just pack up mid season when it becomes evident they can't win anything. The worry this season has been that two of the strongest Sunday League teams in our County have folded, one before the season started. It is a symptom of too many other distractions, irregular working patterns (no more M-F 6-6 any more) and fines not being paid as players walk away from their obligations.
This happens loads in the Newcastle area where I used to play. Teams dropping out mid-season, though this was generally only the case when they were a bunch of knackers anyway. The fines build up, the players stop turning up as they don't want to pay them, the club gets caught playing a ringer and then they just knock it on the head.
MY local Sunday League's first division has lost 4 clubs this season so the league has had to set up a subsidiary cup just so that teams get a normal amount of games in. Shouldn't be too much of a problem next season as they have 4 divisions. There is no real solution though, as people have said above, fines, work, beer play the biggest part and players are less committed to Sunday football than ever....shame
There's teams in our junior league whose season finishes this weekend. No more league games, no more cup games and it's only February!!
Same in York & similiar reasons. But one not mentionned..

The club has relied on one person to do all the admin, collecting cash, etc. Players disappear without paying fees (but can go drinking on a Saturday night), so he has to fund the payment of the fines to keep it going. He get disillustioned with no help and says **** it, nobody else takes it on or worse, somebody useless takes it on. They give up and then the club folds...
Hi Gents , I think the main reason teams fold these days is down to the expense of running a team !

If you are playing top Saturday or Sunday league you are probably looking at £110 -£130 for a home game including linos and pitch fees .

The other main one as already posted is players not taking responsibility for their fines ...

I dont really think an 11 oclock ko will make any difference ......if the cant get there for 10 30 the extra half hour wont help