Team Sheet Template


New Member
So the league I referee in regularly don't give out team sheets unless asked, but referee has to provide etc.

Don't really have a lot of free time on my hands so can anyone direct me to a template? Even if I have to do a bit of editting.

A&H International
You won't find a template in the refereeing community as that really isn't a refereeing responsibility. If the league require team sheets they provide them, end of.
The ones my various leagues use have a section to enter the temperature names, fixture, date manager name, list of plays & subs with numbers
I'm always intrigued by reports of leagues and competitions where team lines are not required. In my area of Scotland team lines are compulsory in all leagues and levels of football. I wouldn't be comfortable refereeing without team lines.
Not the same down here. The two main leagues I referee on don't have team sheets, just need to make sure that you get the full name and spelling when cautioning or sending off, although spelling is less of a problem now with Whole Game System.

They do both however have ID cards which both teams can and should check before the game to make sure all players are eligible.