Swimming pool recovery


Level 7 Referee
I've been struck with injury again and been advised to start my recovery In a swimming pool, has anyone got any advice on what sort of stuff I can do please?
A&H International
Water aerobics? Try walking/running around the pool
Yeah what Ross said. Try kicking your leg through the water (assuming that's what's injured), building up to kicking at full power in the water. That would build up strength in your leg for example. There are loads of exercises you can do in the water that will help, having a look on Youtube might throw some up?
Yup, walking/jogging through waist-deep water is a great exercise for recovery.

I often pop down to the kid's school pool after a training run and 'jog' a few laps - legs feel so much better the following day.
Rayn what sort of injury do you have? Ill be happy do give some pointers as a qualified swimming coach :)
I remember reading somewhere that weighted running in the pool is excellent for recovery from injury. What kind of weights would be suitable, different question!
If you pop down to a scuba diving or swimming store, there are ankle weights available.

I have a couple of pairs for when I'm on scuba, one set wraps 1kg round each ankle, and one 750gm.
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