The Ref Stop

Swearing on the pitch

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How can a league "request" change the laws of the game? Either there is case of offinabus and a red card or there is nothing. Stuff the league, I referee in accordance with the laws S they are written.
The Ref Stop
Sorry, I thought I'd made myself abundantly clear ... but apparently not :rolleyes:. I'm talking about the language of frustration that neither I, nor anyone that I am aware of, nor 'common, modern day, bounds of decency' would deem to be offensive. The kind of language I would happily completely ignore on the FOP day in, day out and no one would bat an eyelid. So the ONLY reason that I, as a referee am getting involved in it, is because of a league directive .. much like a subs board, type of ball etc, it's just the way that the league would prefertheir matches to be. In those circumstances, I'm warning the player not for language that is truly offensive but for language the league would prefer avoided. If the player chooses to ignore the warning then they are guilty of dissent. Simples :)

The league would only make an edict like that if they have had complaints due to offensive language, whether it's in frustration or otherwise......therefore once you accept this and warn players, you are accepting that their language is offensive and therefore your only sanction is a red card.
And the reason that leagues get complaints about offensive language? Referee's failing to do their jobs properly.......

If you don't like the way the league run their competition, don't referee on it.
I remember one player describing me (as a referee) to one of his mates who I was about to referee.... His exact words were, ''he likes a good tackle but FFS don't call him a (swear word), you'll walk!!!' :chicken: I was smiling on the inside!!!! Job sorted!!!
and the I traveled off island recently to a tourney and ran some shifts in the middle. I personally curb the swearing in the butt immediately by exactly what has been said. Running along I make sure everyone hears, to watch their mouths. I also give a fair warning during my pregame speech. Anyway, I got assigned a U19 between two teams that I guess have had a history in the semifinals. In the end, after 3 warnings that whoever was in the near vicinity could hear, I started issuing cards. In total 3 yellows and one red on the keeper for something so stupid he knew he was going to be sent off.

ALso same, tourney, I sent off a parent for abusing me. I signaled for the coach to take care of the parent and he has gone. I personally do not tolerate any of this sort of stuff and I believe I gave the most cards at the tourney, I figured since it was another island they would actually have to fly to come to pay me a visit. LOL.

Cheers, love the forum and the help. Aloha
and the I traveled off island recently to a tourney and ran some shifts in the middle. I personally curb the swearing in the butt immediately by exactly what has been said. Running along I make sure everyone hears, to watch their mouths. I also give a fair warning during my pregame speech. Anyway, I got assigned a U19 between two teams that I guess have had a history in the semifinals. In the end, after 3 warnings that whoever was in the near vicinity could hear, I started issuing cards. In total 3 yellows and one red on the keeper for something so stupid he knew he was going to be sent off.

ALso same, tourney, I sent off a parent for abusing me. I signaled for the coach to take care of the parent and he has gone. I personally do not tolerate any of this sort of stuff and I believe I gave the most cards at the tourney, I figured since it was another island they would actually have to fly to come to pay me a visit. LOL.

Cheers, love the forum and the help. Aloha

Glad you like the forum IslandReferee, but please don't resurrect posts from the dead as it is frowned upon under the forum rules. Better to start something new that is more relevant.
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