Suspended Player


Level 9 Referee
I am refereeing a game on the 25th Jan and I know a player who plays for one of the teams and he is currently serving a 5 match ban and he will be unavailable. Now the type of person he is and the team he plays for he will no doubt in my mind attempt to play. I have spoken with my local RAS expressing my concerns if he attempts to play and he said do not try to prevent him from playing (I already knew that one ) and do not report that he has played unless I caution him so basically if I don't caution him during the game I don't report he has played while serving a suspension ?. My local Sunday leagues don't provide team sheets either prior to games so cant check against that , any suggestions / advice would be most grateful.
A&H International
You cannot stop him playing. However, If you know he is banned and you know his identity, you report it after the game if he does play.

I personally would politely and innocently before the game (before they has changed even) say hello and some pleasantries before subtly dropping in something like "I bet you wish you weren't still banned? You must be itching to get back playing!"

Let's him know that you are onto him. If he still dumb enough to play, whatever he gets from Cfa he deserves.

That said, he may clock you early and decide not to bother anyway.
Odd situation, you have games where you don't have game sheets ? Is it often ?

For your problem, thank god we have USB right ? :rolleyes:
No unfortunately we don't have team sheets , just receive the names of any substitutes which cod be anyone in all honesty.
SM he shouldn't be allowed onto a football pitch again in my opinion , he is a nasty piece of work and won't be bothered about the fact he is banned and if he wants to play believe me he will play regardless of the consequences involved. Should be a good test of my new found refereeing skills lol
No unfortunately we don't have team sheets , just receive the names of any substitutes which cod be anyone in all honesty.

That's a pity, here districts put so much effort to keep track of everything, they don't look into it after every game unless the opposite team did their homework and claim something tho.
But I've seen it come back and bit the player in the a*s months later because whenever someone get sent off for example, they look back at his suspensions and see whether they've purged them or not
Teams only exchange team sheets in the Saturday leagues here I believe and only in county cup fixtures on a Sunday . It would certainly make life easier and the sooner it is implemented the better.

Just a quick update on yesterdays game. All went very well and the suspended player (who was originally banned for 5 matches and has had this since extended to a 2yr ban !) was there on the sidelines but obviously made no attempt to play but voiced his opinion at the odd call I made which he disagreed with. I am not sure on the rules / regulations of his presence on the sideline though to be honest but all in all it went quite well.
My understanding is it depends on his type of ban. If it is a playing ban then he is fine to spectate. I am sure there are bans which bar people From coaching or being on changing areas also.

I wouldn't worry about that though. He didn't play = job done.
The only concern is that he is quite vocal when he is on the touchline and isn't shy at saying what he feels. Yesterday he was appealing for decisions like I knew he would but if it had got to the stage where he was abusive I would of had a quiet word. To be fair to the rest of the team who have a reputation for getting into bother they was quite well behaved. I admit I was quite daunted about the prospect of refereeing them especially when I am new to the game from a refereeing point of view (completed my 4th fixture yesterday) but as said previous it went far better then I expected , they won as well which tends to reflect a teams conduct sometimes :)
Don't worry about it. You'd struggle to find a ref as bad as me for my first 2 years as a 7!