

Active Member
Level 5 Referee
At half time yesterday the referee and I, as a AR, were discussing substitutions. The competition rules stated 5 from 7 substitutes can be used but is there a limit to the number of substitutes that can be made at any one time, ie is it limited to 3

My view was that as long as the correct procedure is followed they can make all 5 at the same time

what are the views here?
A&H International
Nope, if the competition rules don't state otherwise, and - as you state - the correct procedure is followed, they could make all 5 at one time.
... we have some youth leagues where there are 7 subs max but a max number of 2nd half sub "events"... to stop coaches killing the game with 1 sub per minute...
...and some leagues with max 3 subs warming up...
...and a couple of youth leagues with unlimited GK substitutions, in addition to 7 subs. And that is weird IMHO
The only thing the competition can't (shouldn't) change is the procedure fro substitution.
They can dictate the numbers, how many at a time, limit per half etc etc.
The only thing the competition can't (shouldn't) change is the procedure fro substitution.
They can dictate the numbers, how many at a time, limit per half etc etc.
The only modification I can find outside of the various provisions in Law 3 is:
  • the number of substitutions each team is permitted to use up to a maximum of five
Where are you seeing permission to limit how many can be made at a time or in a half?
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The only modification I can find outside of the various provisions in Law 3 is:
Where are you seeing permission to limit how many can be made at a time or in a half?
I did miss the limit of 5 set by LOTG. The contributing factor being unlimited substitutions practices in almost any country i know of at grassroots level. Limiting it only seemed logical. Anyway 5 is the limit for the entire game as per the lotg.