Open Age Sub with No Number


L3 Referee. EFL Assistant. Tutor. Observer. Coach.
Level 3 Referee
Game is a supply league game. Neutral assistant is managing the substitutions. Substitute comes on, and play is restarted. A couple of minutes pass, and you notice that the player has a number on his shorts, but no number on the back of the shirt. (i.e. the back of the shirt is plain). What do you do?
A&H International
That may depend on the league rules, personally play on and pick it up at a stoppage, certainly wouldn't want two of them on the fop, not with my memory for faces.........
I had this Saturday. He was marked on the team sheet as "00". I asked what that meant and they said they had lost a shirt and the shirt he had did not have a number. He was the only player on that team without a number of his shirt... game on!
He was the only player on that team without a number of his shirt... game on!
As long as this is the case (there shall only be one!) and it's indicated what person is wearing that unnumbered shirt, then no real issue.
Numbers are comp rules, not LOTG. So know your comp rules. How lenient you'll be may well depend on which grade you are playing at - the opposing team may have a valid complaint that the player should not have played. But at anything other than fairly high levels I'd be inclined to allow it.
I once encountered a junior team, good few years ago, for which the league were fully aware that they had no shirts with numbers and had allowed it temporarily. Imagine it chaos had broken out, mass confrontation etc.
That's absurd. Iron-on numbers don't cost much....

unfortunately theres a lot of things that are easily/cheaply rectified but for some reason dont get done.
ball inflation, sock tape, undershorts, corner flags, pegging nets down, and i'm sure theres more that dont spring readily to mind...
frustrating nonetheless and all things that players/managers kind of expect you to turn around and say, oh dont worry too much about it
I once encountered a junior team, good few years ago, for which the league were fully aware that they had no shirts with numbers and had allowed it temporarily. Imagine it chaos had broken out, mass confrontation etc.

Surely you would just have to abandon the game! Nightmare! I can understand why it isn't but should be compulsory to have shirt numbers
Game is a supply league game. Neutral assistant is managing the substitutions. Substitute comes on, and play is restarted. A couple of minutes pass, and you notice that the player has a number on his shorts, but no number on the back of the shirt. (i.e. the back of the shirt is plain). What do you do?
Play, consult competition rules after the game and report if required to.

As mentioned elsewhere this is "spirit of the game" and if you do have a problem, they will be the only player on the field for that team without a number.
Game is a supply league game. Neutral assistant is managing the substitutions. Substitute comes on, and play is restarted. A couple of minutes pass, and you notice that the player has a number on his shorts, but no number on the back of the shirt. (i.e. the back of the shirt is plain). What do you do?

From the York league rules:
(iv) If, in the opinion of the referee, two Clubs have the same or similar colours, the home team shall make the change. A club must not delay the scheduled time of kick off for a competition match by not having a change of colours. Shirts must be numbered.

So you play and report, and the league collects the fine...
Surely you would just have to abandon the game! Nightmare! I can understand why it isn't but should be compulsory to have shirt numbers

It was reported to the competition afterwards but as I found out, they already knew. If it was open age I'd have probably kicked up a fuss about it. It was a fair bit back when I was newly qualified and still doing junior football, it was U13's.