Open Age Stupid things players say #9625

I tell both managers before a friendly K.O. (both together) that all football laws apply, including any yellows or reds and they will be sent in and reported and i ask them to tell their players. If i get a phone call from the home manager confirming the match i tell him then and if he can to contact the away manager as well, so far (fingers crossed) not had a problem yet..... although i do get the odd player say to me " but it's only a friendly"
A&H International
As an assistant last week, goalkeeper takes a goal kick and rolls it all of 5 yards to a defender stood in the box. My flag goes up, obviously. Cue the 100 or so fans in the stand behind, with shouts like, "F**k off liner, its only a friendly. Let them get on with it you bald pr**k". Deeply offended i was, i didn't reallise i was bald until he pointed that out, i just thought i had quite a large parting!!!

Well, your parting is rather large pal!
I had a mass con last season when all the players plus subs / managers etc came steaming in. There were about 30 people involved, although most of it was handbags. I stood close watching and blowing my whistle really loudly to get them to stop (which worked). One of the players put his hands to his ears and told me to "stop blowing that f***ing whistle!" He obviously thought I should have quietly and politely asked them all to refrain from being beastly to each other!
One useless chirpy player was asking me how i got to be appointed to his game particular....

I said, well, what they do is have a look at who the best teams and the best players are and they get all the best referees... and as you come down the football pyramid all the crap players with two left feet who haven't any ideas about laws or respect,..... They get me!!! Took a while for it to register!!! :hmmm:
Had a game Thursday night, where a long ball forward was going about 6 foot above the centre forward who made a half hearted attempt to jump and win the ball, as the ball flew over him and was harmlessly no doubt going to go out for a goal kick, a rather ''lumpish'' centre back came running in, arms stretched out, hands square in the back of the forward with the clearest most definite push I had ever seen. I promptly blew up for a free kick, and the centre half shouted at the top of his lungs....''BUT IT WAS OFF THE BALL REF YOU CANT GIVE THAT''.... :wall:
Had a good one earlier.

Friendly between 2 local rivals and I give a DFK to the stripes after the Yellow defender caught his ankle causing the player to stumble and lose possession.

The defender turns around and tells me that the LOTG states "A player has to go down in order to get a free kick" and he didn't go down and thus isn't allowed to get a FK!

Anyone else heard any pearlers recently?
The one that always makes me laugh is when the players claim they were "going for the ball", as if they'd be let off for breaking somebody's neck because they were "going for the ball"