Step up to Open Age

Matt Cole

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi there been refereeing for about 2 years now mainly doing u13/14 but want to step up to higher ages groups and open age. What advice do you have when making the step up to u18/open age?
Thanks :)
A&H International
Don't see it as a step up, more a step across to something different. Easier in some ways (less parents to irritate!) harder in others .. Quicker, more challenging players.

Just get yourself in highly credible positions by putting in a proper shift and be completely unafraid to use your cards appropriately (whilst doing your best to manage the game before getting to that point)

And above all else, enjoy :)
Matt .....if you can put up with 2 years of parents living their dreams through their children ..

Open age will be a breeze !

Enjoy it
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