South Korea - Mexico

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A&H International
His arm doesn’t move at all during the sliding motion from going down, no way that’s deliberate. Can see why you’d give it but not for me (and not according to the law).
Made himself bigger, only intent on blocking cross with any means possible, def arms outstretched, yes he sliding but i feel he was in control of his actions
The speed with which Mazic gave it tells you all you need to know, didn't need to think. Arm so obviously stretched up that he was always going to give it if the ball struck it.
If he has his arm anywhere else it's not a pen, it's outstretched EXACTLY where the ball is expected to go, which is over his challenge.
His arm doesn’t move at all during the sliding motion from going down, no way that’s deliberate. Can see why you’d give it but not for me (and not according to the law).
I hate it and it's not according to the book - but it is according to the guidelines.
The sooner it's fixed in the book the better.

A handball no longer has to be remotely "deliberate" (meaning) so it would make sense to fix the book.

And no YCs for minor offences here either... targeted fouling early on by SK.

And you only get VAR on a Thusday or Tuesday if the ref didn't blow, and only then not for holding.
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