Something a bit nicer


New Member
Level 6 Referee
After my game today I had a sub from one of the teams come up to talk with me. I was a little bit apprehensive at the start of this game as I'd had a shocker the last time I reffed them. He wasn't wrong, in fact looking back I should have pulled out of the game as my head was messed up as a mate had lost his fight with cancer the day before. Unfortunately stubbornness on my part meant I made the wrong decision and went ahead.

He mentioned my game last time but then said today he couldn't fault me at all (glad he didn't listen to the assessor then) and shook my hand and wished me well for the future.

He never had to come up to me and make the point and it gave me a bit of faith back that there are decent fellas out there. Something small but meant a lot to me.
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A&H International
Its easy to forget that a significantly larger proportion of those involved with football are good guys/ladies and just love football and can get a little over passionate at times. The small proportion of idiots that cause 90% of problems tend to skew the view of refs into thinking everyone is an idiot.

Good on the player for coming over and having a word.
somebody is going to ask so here we go, was the player on the winning team
He was, but he was also on the winning side when I didn't have a good game, in fact it would be fair to say it was my worst game ever. It was a very one sided 5-1 game yesterday but both sides were good spirited.
My experiences have been overwhelmingly positive -- I don't understand why so many people find that the vast majority of players are idiots.