Small Sided..


At Andyw's request :p

I am NEVER doing small sided again... especially tournaments -.-

I had one last weekend, 6 aside.. it was hell.

To start, the lack of organization was unreal, absolutely terrible. I couldn't believe it myself, but then the attitude of the players.. well.. this was a whole new low I've seen from the local lads. I know they are a bit gobby.. but what I saw was terrible! No respect for any other player on that pitch let alone the officials.

Baring in mind, they had been warned that a red resulting from 2 sin bins, would be a case of miss the next match in the tournament and that be the end of it, but if they recieved a straight red, it would go to the county and they would be looking at a 35 day ban, but the organiser of the tournament, who happened to be a player decided to get mouthy as he didn't like a decision, to which he ended up with a straight red for offinabus. He threatened not to pay me for the day etc, but its a case of make a stand or look like a pushover.

After that, its definately pushed me away from the small sided games, to focus on my 11 aside!!

A&H International
I certainly wouldn't be doing any more tournaments for that particular organizer! 6-a-side is more difficult because everyone is in a smaller, tighter space and so they're bound to "come together" a bit more often than in the 11-a-side game. I stay away from 6-a-side wherever possible.
Sorry I havent replied sooner I have missed this post somewhere.

Well I cant say im suprised, they are not always ran well however some are.

Sorry you had a bad experience
Hopefully they will have improved organization for next season :)

On another note, where abouts in Norfolk do you officiate Andy?
Im based in Downham Market but referee all over I try to say as local as possible
I used to referee 7 a side football nearly every night of the week. It was very well organised, and was most of the time, great fun to referee. As for the 5 a side league that shall not be named, wouldnt touch it with a barge pole