Should I move to Open Age?

Lewis Hart

New Member
Hi Guys,

I've been refereeing junior football since th start of the season, and in late August I will be 16, and able to referee Open Age football if I wish. However, I'm not sure wether to do this.

Any advice or reccomendations?

A&H International
For what it's worth, I did my first OA game when I was a few months over 16. In my first game it was obvious that I didn't have much confidence and was very nervy. But in the two years since my confidence has come on leaps and bounds, basically just go for it
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Yes. I moved as soon as I turned 16 and have not looked back. It is a requirement for promotion, so why not spend a season doing it, and then go for your 7-6.

Speak to your local RA - who should be able to arrange a mentor for you. Take all the support and advice you can (but also learn when to completely ignore some advice!)
I've been having this argument with myself in the last few months. Think I'll start with a few lines, probably next season, get a feel of the differences and what is expected. Especially as I'm not the most physically imposing!
I started Open Age football 3 months before my 16th birthday, I was only on the line at this time but 4 months later I was in the middle on my own and now i'm going for promotion.

If you have the confidence and support then go for it.
Good Luck