Junior/Youth Sendings off


New Member
Level 7 Referee
I usually go by the mantra that I try to keep player's in age categories lower than under 14's on the pitch.

I generally operate so that they'll only get shiped off for Spitting, Swearing, Violent Conduct or Serious Foul Play.

However I had an incident involving DOGSO this past week which made me think about my approach to my usual application of the Red card for the in between ages, U11's -U13's.

What approach do others use in the case of DOGSO or Deliberately stopping a goal by handbal, in these age groups.
A&H International
They leave the field. Rules are rules and sadly we have to enforce them. If they walk of the field crying they'll learn from it and not do it again, you may feel bad but you're only doing your job
I don't officiate at that level, and don't ever intend to, but my advice would be to apply the Laws correctly. Unfortunate, yes, but that's not really your concern.

Don't be That Ref who doesn't, when Next Week's Ref will.
I personally take the circumstances into account - and if there's one thing that my opinion won't be changed on, it's youth football & DOGSO.

Anything below U14 is a hard call with denying goalscoring opportunity, especially when it's with the hands. If it's a trip whilst attacker is through on goal, then you can sell the red card a lot more and everyone knows it's coming. When it's a red card, it's a little more difficult. I generally tend to take a few seconds to weigh up the pros and cons. If it's a tense and well-fought game (ie a tight 1-0, 1-1, 2-1, etc etc) then you might have no choice but to show the red card.

But, on the other hand, I had one late last season in an U13s game, a defender slapped the ball off the line for blue team, red team was something like 6-0 up at the time and there was 10 minutes left. Cautioned defender & he was grateful.
Another situation in one of my games early this season, U12s game and the final few minutes, yellow team 3-0 down and one of their defenders decided to take on the role of the goalkeeper and dived across the goal to tip a shot round the post. Almost no time left, result already decided... penalty and no further action. Accepted by all.

In most cases, parents and coaches won't argue decisions with DOGSO-H if you're giving the benefit of the doubt. No doubt because they know it's likely to happen to their team at some point and they'll be hoping for similar leniency.
I know it sounds bad (and is bad) but I had one in an U11 match where I should have sent the keeper of for DOGSO, but even after I had taken my wallet out of my pocket I bottled it and gave yellow. I think the fact that it was in the 14th minute affected my decision. Had it been with 5 minutes to go I probably would have shown him red.

Based on everyone else's reaction, there is no problem with red for DOGSO at U11? If so, I'll probably find it easier