Second Observation


I used to be indecisive but now i'm not so sure
Level 4 Referee
Had my second observation and was very happy with the way it went. Knew the ‘development points’ from the first so it was time to put them into practice, but there were some excellent talking points.

1 - red card, Routine SFP. Midfielder jumping off the ground, straight into the knee of the opposition player with his studs. However the manager couldn’t see this as anything more than dangerous play (see point 2)

2 - Manager approaches me at the centre circle after the game questioning the above, also asking me why I didn’t give a foul to his player 2 minutes before. Apparently this player was ‘sandwiched’. He then approaches my assessor and says ‘would you have sent him off’ to which the assessor refuses to answer, saying it was the decision of the referee and he’s just there to discuss things with me. Cue manager shouting at him ‘it’s no wonder referees get no respect when they have people like you two respresenting them’. Assessor just tells him to walk away or risk a report to the FA

3- A new one on me. Dog on the pitch! He comes running on when the ball was out of play and there’s 30 odd seconds of players chasing it. I crouch down and manage to get his lead and run him off the pitch!

No real development points bar keeping the indirect signal in the air until the kick is taken for offside, and more variety in starting positions for corners. Assessor liked the fact I was happy to over rule the linesman as well, and my use of the stepped approach and the perfect thing for me, he completely agreed with the SFP (how couldn’t you). Anyway, just thought I’d share!
A&H International
*until the kick is taken and touched by another player, or goes out of play :)

Kinda side issue and clearly that's what the book says, but, the elite were given an instruction recently that if its clear as day no goal threat is becoming, then, they dont need to keep hand raised... i.e, say a offside restart on the goal line where the gk is clearly passing it gently 10 yards to a team mate.