SE Dons matches


Level 7 Referee
Not sure if I’ve posted this in the right category but thought I’d share this video. Some typical Sunday league behaviour towards the ref, Not surprised tbh with the amount of spectators there. Has anyone on here reffed a SE Done match as get the feeling it’d be quite tough with how many spectators they’re are all against most decisions u make. Also seeing vids like this make me wonder whether I want to ref open age Sunday league or not. Get the feeling it’ll be more like being a boxing ref.
A&H International
And all worn as a badge of honour by the way it's packaged here. Supporters on the pitch, mob behaviour normalised, ref intimidated standard. They need a mentality overhaul as a club. Appalling. I wouldn't be turning up to ref this type of football. Not for me.
I'd enjoy these games... definitely
Much prefer this sort of behaviour to that which we see on the TV. The Refs were taking the usual cultural 'blame game' in the video, but the shenanigans is mostly between the teams
The problem being however, there's more spectators there than most Step 5 games, yet there's no way to police 'the event' (in terms of the side-lines). So a mass brawl is constantly on the cards. Indeed, a major incident is probable
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Most of these problems can be solved by setting proper boundaries (rope around the field, min 3 meters away from FOP boundaries), and correctly marked technical area with benches to sit on. Most ill-disciplined behaviour on the field start form or get escalated by the spectators and/or technical area .
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Most of these problems can be solved by setting proper boundaries (rope around the field, min 3 meters away from FOP boundaries), and correctly marked technical area. Most ill-disciplined behaviour on the field start form or get escalated by the spectators and/or technical area with benches to sit on.

I get what you're saying and with kids football in England there is a barrier for fans to stand behind. But adult Sunday League, forget it.
Looks interesting, would certainly give it a go, but, be focussing on managing whats in front of me, and, bending the lotg if required to reach sensible outcomes
I think they play at AFC Lewisham now so might well be on a fenced off pitch. They are also in the FA Sunday Cup so will definitely need a proper ground for that. I know a couple of referees who have done their home games, I think it becomes a bit of a circus.

Their chairman is Andy Ansah, ex-pro footballer who went on to become and actor in Sky's Dream Team.
Can't be much fun doing those games.

At least the voice over had some 'funny' moments.

I particularly liked the opposing player being criticised for a tackle on a player because he had only just come back from an ACL injury! :rolleyes:
I think they play at AFC Lewisham now so might well be on a fenced off pitch. They are also in the FA Sunday Cup so will definitely need a proper ground for that. I know a couple of referees who have done their home games, I think it becomes a bit of a circus.

Their chairman is Andy Ansah, ex-pro footballer who went on to become and actor in Sky's Dream Team.
I'm not sure about AFC Lewisham because they're in the bottom division and the other end of the county but most of the teams on the Kent County League play on parks pitches and don't have any sort of barrier round the pitch. I think even if there were a barrier the crowd would still be on the pitch. As you say, their games are a circus.

They are away to Baiteze in the Sunday cup, who look as bad as this lot, so that one could really kick off. Both teams do everything online and put match videos on you tube so the more is happening the more people are likely to watch.
They are away to Baiteze in the Sunday cup, who look as bad as this lot, so that one could really kick off. Both teams do everything online and put match videos on you tube so the more is happening the more people are likely to watch.
Can’t even begin to imagine how badly that could kick off with the large amount of supporters. Would hate to be the ref for that one but probs at the same time would love the challenge
Can’t even begin to imagine how badly that could kick off with the large amount of supporters. Would hate to be the ref for that one but probs at the same time would love the challenge
I'm certain I've seen a game of theirs where the ref called off a game after a fan of theirs hit him during one of their usual scrums following a call...
I'm not sure about AFC Lewisham because they're in the bottom division and the other end of the county but most of the teams on the Kent County League play on parks pitches and don't have any sort of barrier round the pitch. I think even if there were a barrier the crowd would still be on the pitch. As you say, their games are a circus.

They are away to Baiteze in the Sunday cup, who look as bad as this lot, so that one could really kick off. Both teams do everything online and put match videos on you tube so the more is happening the more people are likely to watch.
This match was played on Sunday. Baiteze won 3-2, in front of an estimated 2,000 crowd, which for Sunday league is incredible. There are EFL teams who don't get much more than that!
This match was played on Sunday. Baiteze won 3-2, in front of an estimated 2,000 crowd, which for Sunday league is incredible. There are EFL teams who don't get much more than that!
I think it's great to see in general. The health of the 11-a-side grass roots game has deteriorated badly over recent decades. It's good to see amateur teams routinely uploading games to various internet platforms and the interest some teams are attracting
The problem being... some of them are getting too big for their boots... or should I say, their games are becoming events that need properly managing in all respects. If it hasn't happened already, public disorder on a large scale or some other high profile incident is inevitable
Our county runs finals days at Maidstone FC. Pay one entry fee and potentially get to see three finals played one after the other, all at a decent ground (3g) with decent facilities. The last Sunday finals day a team from Thanet played a team from Medway and there was a mass brawl behind one of the goals just after half time. This was actually the showpiece final, so the two top Sunday teams in the county's couldn't control themselves. Luckily there were only a couple of hundred at the game. The County FA were mortified, as was my local league where one of the teams involved plays.
I refereed the game a few years ago - a local derby - and there were about 600 present. SE Dons played the final before last and brought 2,000.

It's a potential problem because non-league sides generally don't need a police presence until at least National League level, but the crowds at some of these games are getting as big as those seen at games where police attendance is mandatory. As you say, it's a matter of time before there's a major incident.
Did no one pick up on one (well two actually) red cards being issued (1 each) but the players conned/talked the ref into allowing them to be subbed off instead?
Our county runs finals days at Maidstone FC. Pay one entry fee and potentially get to see three finals played one after the other, all at a decent ground (3g) with decent facilities. The last Sunday finals day a team from Thanet played a team from Medway and there was a mass brawl behind one of the goals just after half time. This was actually the showpiece final, so the two top Sunday teams in the county's couldn't control themselves. Luckily there were only a couple of hundred at the game. The County FA were mortified, as was my local league where one of the teams involved plays.
I refereed the game a few years ago - a local derby - and there were about 600 present. SE Dons played the final before last and brought 2,000.

It's a potential problem because non-league sides generally don't need a police presence until at least National League level, but the crowds at some of these games are getting as big as those seen at games where police attendance is mandatory. As you say, it's a matter of time before there's a major incident.
Last weekend I was 4th official for a Vase Game Step 5 v Step 6. Crowd was 850 which was the second highest in the home clubs history. Local Derby and both sides had promoted the game heavily on social media.

Home club had brought in extra stewarding, plus a couple of dedicated security chaps. All bags were searched on entry. Even with all of those measures a flare was thrown onto the pitch late in the game causing a delay.

I can only shudder when I imagine what potential carnage could occur with 2.5x the number of people turning up to watch a game with none of those measures in place!
I think a lot of it is pantomime. I did their friendly last year and over 500 people turned up on a school field to watch it. Was really good natured, however, I can see that their league games may be a little bit more heated. That being said, the game in it's current format is on the way out, so teams like this may be a way of keeping things fresh if delivered in the right manner

I've put the highlights below...

Link to the highlights here!
I'm pretty sure there are guidelines / rules around at what expected attendance you need dedicated security guards, a certain number of stewards, etc. That's why some National League clubs hold safety briefings with the match officials but many don't, it is down to their capacity and expected crowd. Suspect they only apply where there is an admission fee though.

The problem will be if two of these "Super Sunday clubs" play each other and it kicks off. Can you imagine if they each have 1000 supporters and a fight breaks out, you are potentially looking at a full on riot with no one able to control it.