

Active Member
Level 5 Referee

I have got my safeguarding course coming up soon,

I just wandered what to expect to do within this course ?
A&H International
When I did it on my basic course, it was practically death by powerpoint! They just go over different scenarios that you might experience during a game (like a kid telling you their parent beats them), then how you would deal with it. We then used cards to say how severe we though something was, ranging from a few scratches on the face, to constant bruising (you get the idea).

Finally, we were given a massive book with all of the information that we had just been shown on the powerpoint and a lovely certificate to say we had completed it!
Having done mine on Friday, I can tell you now...it IS death-by-powerpoint.

As Charlie Acton says, it's a lot about scenarios and other issues that may arise, with most of the outcome being "speak to the Club Welfare Officer" or "speak to the CFA Welfare Officer".

Myself and another guy sitting the course had already done a lot of Safeguarding work through our employment...so it was even worse! Think yourself lucky you've not got the session from 6pm to 9pm on a Friday evening like I had.
Thanks for the info and i had mine last week and some of it was okay and the tutor was very good in making some group exercises to help with it and there was not that much of a powerpoint to go through.

However I do think that this course is aimed a lot more at coaches and managers rather than referees
Thanks for the info and i had mine last week and some of it was okay and the tutor was very good in making some group exercises to help with it and there was not that much of a powerpoint to go through.

However I do think that this course is aimed a lot more at coaches and managers rather than referees

Completely agree...our course was 12 ref's, 3 Club Welfare Officers, 3 Coaches and it was definitely aimed more at the CWO's and Coaches... valuable and relevant but some were sat there thinking "how does this affect me?"
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Got mine tonight, cant say im looking forward to it. Been at work since 3 this morning, wont be finishing till 5, then got an hours drive to get there. May have to dose up on caffeine to stay awake :D :drink:
Good Luck Ross,

Is it true that once you have attended the course that you can renew it every 3 years by the course online ?

I rather do that than have to sit there bored for 3 hours lol