Rugby/Goal posts - What would you do?


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Staff member
Level 6 Referee
FA Referee
Had a question posed to me the other day, and wasn't really sure how to answer it

A young referee turned up to a pitch she had never been to before and noticed that the goals that were being used were actually rugby posts, with a net on it to make a goal

There was nothing wrong with the size of the goal that had been made underneath the rugby posts, she was also told that these were fifa approved and that councils were using these in a bid to reduce costs of having both goal posts and rugby posts (in other words less pitches)

Now i can't find anything in the good book about the use of these,but its been a long day and i might be missing something obvious

Would you play a game using these?
A&H International
Nope. A rugby goal is H shaped, and H is not one of the shapes that are allowed according to LOTG.

That and I hate rugby with passion :p
wow a welshman who doesn't like egg chasing! isn't that punishable by stoning! surely if the lower part of post are the right shape and 8yrds by 8ft then you would play ball wouldn't you?
wow a welshman who doesn't like egg chasing! isn't that punishable by stoning! surely if the lower part of post are the right shape and 8yrds by 8ft then you would play ball wouldn't you?
Haha! Most of us northWalians can't be doing with it!

Hmm, depending on the circumstances, obviously I would consider it, but wouldn't be happy.

Would they throw egg over football goal?
Consider this - if the ball were to hit one of the protruding rugby posts at the top of the hastily constructed football goals - would that not be deemed an "outside agent" - resulting in a drop ball on the five-metre line?
Consider this - if the ball were to hit one of the protruding rugby posts at the top of the hastily constructed football goals - would that not be deemed an "outside agent" - resulting in a drop ball on the five-metre line?

You might say that but I'd likely just give a goalkick.