Returning to Fitness!


Sam Neal

Having refereed last night, besides a few positioning points, I think the main thing I need to work on is my fitness!

I usually run about 2 times a week but I usually wake up the next morning aching.

Anyone got any tips for getting back to fitness or any routines they use?
A&H International
Pay attention to your pre and post run stretching! Especially post! You can avoid most of the aching you are experiencing. Makes a huge difference. Also look into foam rollers, they are genius.

Also try and mix up your fitness sessions. There are posts below with advice about pgmol sessions which you can tailor and adapt to your own needs but mix in gym, cycling, swimming etc. and never forget to have rest days! Mixing up sessions helps to stop boredom or over familiarity setting in! You don't especially need to increase numbers of sessions just make em fun and beneficial! :)
How far are you running? See my post on Podrunner elsewhere on this forum and build up slowly. As previously stated make the most of your stretches as well. One thing that I do after a long-ish run (anything over 4 miles) is run the bath with cold water only and sit in it for ten minutes. Its a little bit like the marathoners/ultra runners do with an ice-bath but I find it help loads. I never ache the next day, I am just aware that I have used my legs if you know what I mean.
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Good shout, cold baths are awesome and I have one after every training or match. Once you get used to them!
What do you guys do as a warm-down routine?

I get very sore & tight calves after a game, and yet to find anything that helps. One ref I work with occasionally jogs one and a half laps f the pitch then walks half. He says it helps him, but did nothing for me other than make it worse 'cos of the extra running!
Stretching is probably one of the most crucial things post game. Additionally I always use some Skins recovery compression leggings after the game as they help the body to flush out any lactic acid. I'll normally wear them overnight.

If I'm feeling sore post game then I'll also use the cold bath and then put the compression Skins back on.
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