Return to the middle


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am returning from a long hiatus from refeering (3 years, but 5 years since I was doing it every week). I sort of feel I am going back to the beginning but without just coming off of a training course! So not only have I forgotten all of the usual pre-match routine but most of the general refeering "tactics" as it were!

Anyone been in a similar position with any advice? I have asked to shadow a referee for a couple of games first so we will see how that goes.

Kind Regards,

A&H International
I had a 2 year gap in-between games. I too was apprehensive but I just turned up, and it all came rushing back to me

Just have a quick brush up on the lotg, you could ask for a mentor also to help you out. I'm sure you'll be fine
Always good to see referee's getting 'back on the scene' as it were.

Godd luck, enjoy, and let us know how you get on :)