Refs wearing tracksuits..?


Mr Referee
Level 7 Referee
What's your thoughts on wearing tracksuits (plain black) during the game during winter.
When I played it was 50/50 in terms of whether a ref would wear shorts or tracksuits in the winter.
So far I have worn tracksuits in my games as they've all been very cold but i was wondering whether this was allowed and whether it depends on what level you're refereeing at?
I'm refereeing in a youth league and saw a parent refereeing a game in jeans and jacket so am presuming I am alright for the mean time in tracksuits.
A&H International
Maybe permitted in the league rules (although I doubt it) but personally I'd say don't do it!

Look uniform and professional, not like a student down the union!

In fairness the guy in the jeans bay be a stand in speccy who took the whistle because the original ref didn't turn up.

The only official permitted to wear a tracksuit is the 4th official.
in the 25 years i've played adult football i have never seen a referee turn up wearing a tracksuit, if your cold run a bit more! :)
Don't bother with Tracksuits, looks scruffy and unprofessional. Wear Under Armour/Base Layer.
if you want to wear tracksuit trousers make sure they are black and wear them under your shorts/ socks if you are concentrating on being cold how can you concentrate on the game
Randomly, the ref on the pitch opposite me the other week was in full tracksuit.

Admittedly, ill turn up in mine (if its super cold) and do the inspections in it - but come whistle time - im in full kit.

It *really* did look unprofessional. Looked like he'd just turned up and cracked on... Felt like it was one of the coaches referring it.

Also, ive had a few games (mostly young ones) where the ref isnt in ANY kit whatsoever. Just looks like a parent from the crowd or something.

Is there any level of football where referees arent supplied and you take it in turns being ref or something?
In junior leagues here, if a ref isn't appointed the teams must arrange for a coach/parent to do it on the day. This doesn't have to be arranged prior to the match and that person takes on full responsibility including being allowed to caution it send off as appropriate! (Yes I read the league rule book)
I don't think turning up in a tracksuit is a bad thing - I have a nice black Nike one with FOMOA and respect badges on. Looks the part when you turn up.

Wouldn't dream of officiating in though, just because you go to a party with a big coat on doesn't mean you dance the night away in it!
If you wear cycle/compression shorts (black of course) under your normal shorts & pull your socks up, you only have your knees on show/open to the elements anyway.

Since a knee injury 2 years ago I also wear a (black) knee support, so I can cope with just the one knee getting a bit chilly!;)
Turning up in a full tracksuit looks professional. However when KO comes should be taking it off.
The only time I have ever worn a tracksuit top to referee was in a U8's section of a tournament when it was absolutely p*ssing it down and I had to do about 15 consecutive games, but because it was U8's and the pitch was tiny all I could do was walk!
I've seen a few of the younger referees in tracksuits but it does look scruffy. Wear under layers if need be but make sure your badge is on show. You earned it and only 0.4% of the UK population have one so show it off.

0.04 i think! Makes us even more spethal
Only once I've worn tracksuit + gloves + hat + jumper + coat + scarf ... the Ref was similarly attired and it was his direction ... who am I to argue when it was hosing down with a -50 degree wind chill :)
In Norway, during the off-season, we have snow and sometimes intense cold. When refing pre season matches in January - March we will use long John's under the shorts with the socks pulled up on top and wool sports underwear, but we never cover up the kit. Looks better and we need the pockets. During the season, never long John's.