Refereeing Positions at Goal Kicks and Corners


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Please can someone out there please show me a picture or diagram of where the referee needs to stand at a Corner and where to stand at a goal kick as I am starting to think I am not in the right place and just wanted some advice with this please.

Any help with this would be great...
A&H International
Corner Kicks.jpg Goal Kicks.jpg

Goal Kicks (Right Pic)- Alter how far you are up the pitch depending on the ability of the GK and the first couple of kicks

Corners (Left Pic)-

In swinging corner with NARs
All corners with CARs

Out swinging corner with NARS

(Note: Ball position is White- opposite for other side)

You can tell if a corner will be out swinging or in swinging by the way the player lines up to take the kick.
I can't produce a diagram for you but from a corner kick I think I mainly want to be able to see if there is any infringements in the box eg. shirt pulling or players grabbing other players. I would also like to be able to see my assistant. After the ball is kicked I may want to move to see if I can get a better view of the goal line if the ball is going that way as I don't have the luxury of GLT.

From a Goal Kick I have a look around to see where most of the players are standing because they show you where the kick is going to go and how far it may travel because they know the skill level of their GK.

Hope that helps :)
Kids or o/a it can vary enormously, tho side view of the drop zone is generally ideal, to see any offences more easily.

Try standing right on the touchline at least, once, (on opposite side of pitch to asst ref who is in opposite half of field to goalkeeper). You can see every player on the pitch and both assistants....but ....be ready to move, sometimes quickly, to a more appropriate position as soon as the ball is kicked.

This isn't necessarily the best position as far as the next play is concerned but can be a useful default position on occasion

Simpler to do than to explain
Vary your starting position for corners - especially where there is likely to be a lot of pulling, tugging, blocking, etc. and especially if you have CARs ... the order for priority for players is sometimes:
  • opposition player
  • where the ref is (can he/she see what I am about to do)
  • the ball !
You need to be where you can best make the right decision on the ensuing challenge for the ball. That's it that's all.
There's no set position. Get into a position that you're comfortable with and that gives you the best angle to see what you need to see.

Just make sure you vary your position for each corner.
And if you go for promotion and are being assessed then (in my neck of the woods) on corners they like you to prioritise having a clear view of the goal line so that you can be a credible goal / no goal judge (assuming CLub Assistants of course!)