Referee levels


RefChat Addict
Level 3 Referee
Was looking for a document and came across this? Level 7-6 replaces with level 5. Is this actually happening? Not sure how I feel about it!


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A&H International
I'd imagine the scaling would be done accordingly i.e. you would need 3 seasons of min 20 matches before you could go for 5-4 promotion or something similar. Can't for the life of me believe they'd allow someone who's refereed for 1 season to become a supply league ref.
This was proposed a while ago, think it was rejected at the time and they decided to go back to the drawing board.
If this did happen it wouldn't make that much difference to grassroots footie as surely appointment officers would know most of the old levels and would appoint accordingly. I can not see me under this new system getting a game which would have only been available to a level 5. Those officer who appoint to those levels wouldn't even know who I am.
It was proposed and put out for consultation to CFAs, and it was fed back that it really wasn't a good idea. Take something like a county league, or a supply league's division 1 or 2. Currently the RefsSecs know that a L5 has gone through at least two promotions, and potentially more as they could have come back down after retiring from L4, L3, L2 or even L1. Most such competitions have a rule that only L5s can referee these games with L5, L6 or L7 on the lines. That would have been impossible had such a change gone ahead.
They changed it in Wales when I was off sick. I prefer the old 1-8 scale though. :(