Referee Inactive - Crossing the line

Sorry to disappoint anyone clicking through to this post expecting me to speculate on the right/wrong decision to award the 2nd Chelsea "goal" in their FA Cup Semi-Final this evening at Wembley. That game is way outside the sphere of influence I operate in and whatever I say would therefore make no difference.

I am more concerned about the interaction which takes place between players and match officials at grassroots. The guys over at Refchat.co.uk posed a question yesterday about the use of player's name during the game. Personally I will try to learn as many names before the game and during the early stages (1st 15 minutes) as this will help me manage players more effectively. This particularly important if I am looking at sanctioning a player for persistent infringement or if they have already been cautioned and are still coming to my attention.

On the flip side, when I am conducting my pre-match coin toss I will give the captains my first name as well as taking theirs. This allows them to talk to me using my name rather than "Ref" or "Referee" that I will be getting from the 20 other players on the field as well as the massed ranks of spectators, substitutes and match officials. It works well and I can recommend it as a technique.

I do have a concern that from time to time if I referee a team who I have seen two or three times in a season against a team I see once every three seasons, that the second team will feel their opponents are receiving favouritism. I have also seen referees become over familiar with teams and their own conduct, if it had come from a player during a game, might have resulted in disciplinary action.

The final point I'll make is that something which seems perfectly acceptable when viewed in context, in the heat of the moment won't seem so acceptable when read out at a disciplinary hearing. So it's a fine line to tread and certainly for newer referees, I would recommend you tread warily in becoming familiar with teams until you establish your own on-field personality.

My season is now over on the green stuff, barring any late appointments, but considering I am busy on each Sunday for 3 of the next 4 weeks, I think the chances of picking up a game on my free Sunday are slim. It's also a Bank Holiday weekend so may take myself off for a day or two on a trip.

Apart from that I have a Basic Course for New Referees coming up and two more Supply League assessments to complete before taking a breather and preparing for next season on the grass.

Here's my stats from today's game ... warmer than last week, fewer balls over the top to chase, fewer offsides and more disciplinary action. I can't wait until next season!

Total calories 1,567 which is 10% higher than last week. I let the monitor run through most of half time which is why the graph slides at the end. As for the v shaped trough around 49 minutes is me taking a breather after chasing the attack in the build up to the game's only goal.


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