referee assualted


Active Member
Not going into details but again in coventry another referee has been assulted this weekend this time an 18 year old was punched by a player, he sent the player off eairlier in the game as he was talking to another player and about to card him the player he sent off ran up behind and punched him, he now has 9 stiches and concussion.

This is the 3rd time this has happened this season to a referee but the first time on someone so young.

I am disgusted as referees we need to take a stand..
A&H International
First of all I hope this referee is ok, I wish him well.
Did he get the police involved?
Hopefully BCFA will really throw the book at the coward

What cab we do though Paul? Other than refuse to referee the offending teams
Yes referee is ok confidance is shattered , yes police are involved and bcfa

I think as referees in coventry we should all make a vowe to go on strike for a weekend just for them to see how football would manage for 1 weekend without referees or even nationally so the fa and cfa can see we wont tollerate it any longer and get the papers involved
Having been on the receiving end of a punch from a player I know what he's going through. I was a similar age too, the important thing to do is get back on the horse.
I agree, it's an absolute disgrace. I was listening to 5 Live this morning and they had an older referee on talking about his experience of a similar situation is a 6-a-side game. It is particularly shocking that it's happened to a fellow young referee from Coventry, it's simply not on.

Coventryref, the same thought about striking went through my head aswell. Maybe not right now as it is coming up to important cup finals & league deciders, but maybe a month into next season. Most players will have forgotten about it by then so it will be a shock to their system!

Again, it's a disgrace how any player thinks they can assault any referee in this way, let alone an 18 year old. I hope the appropriate authorities deal with this thug and keep him off our pitches for a very long time.
should be as simple as they are banned from all levels of football for life both playing and attending. Plus if the police can be involved although from what i have heard they are reluctant to get invloved.
Its sad to hear of news like this for any official and cant help but think a common assault charge and a Sine Die suspension is the minimum he should get away with !
Maybe not right now as it is coming up to important cup finals & league deciders . . .

What better time to threaten a strike? 3 in one season is an absolute disgrace and cannot be allowed.