ref vs CAR

I'm not sure I agree with that. If you have a competent CAR on one side and an idiot on the other it gives an advantage to one side.

I've refereed in three leagues this season, one with no ARs, one with NARs, and one with CARs. On balance, I think I prefer no ARs to CARs. Some CARs are excellent but it's rare to get two good ones in the same game.
I agree, but I'm not so sure that's a bad thing. If one team provides a CAR who's competent and aware and the other provides an incompetent idiot, I'm far more likely to overrule the incompetent one and simply go with the one I trust. Supply a good CAR and you'll get a lot more faith put in your team by the ref.
A&H International
I'm not sure I agree with that. If you have a competent CAR on one side and an idiot on the other it gives an advantage to one side.

Can't see what real difference it makes in the grand scheme of things. Most CARs are more than capable of getting ball in and out of play decisions right. They generally do in my experience. As for not understanding the offside law - it's still the referee's call anyway, irrespective of whether or not he flags (or not) incorrectly so you end up overruling him. Having at least one competent CAR just make's the ref's job a bit easier. I don't see how one idiot CAR can give a side the advantage.
Can u imagine a heart transplant doctor training for 8 years then seeking help off Hilda the cleaner?

Total lunacy and to anyone in that position, blame your forefathers,and yourselves for the problems within

Getting a heart transplant correct, is probably a tad more important than an offside in a Division 4 U15s match!:rolleyes:
In my leagues clubs have to provide CARs, and can get fined by the league if they don’t.

The leagues don’t state what responsibilities they should be given, but in my area it is normal for them to do offsides.

While have come across some bad CARs, I don’t think I’ve ever had one in my games who was deliberately trying to benefit their team/cheating.

I would never demand that a CAR came to the center circle. If I needed to speak to them then I would wait until a suitable break in play then go over and talk to them.

I find that working with CARs and treating them as part of you team gets much better results.

Yep agree - in 15 years I've had less than a handful of serious disagreements with a CAR.
Although CAR's can be a nightmare, I'd rather be with them than without them. Although I did have one yesterday who flagged for a corner against his own team. The team complained at me and I said 'it's your own lino who gave it', he quickly did a U turn screaming at me 'No i didn't!! I don't know who it touched!!'. Cheers mate
The best ones are the ones who nod wisely at your briefing when you say I'll give all fouls and miss conduct then at the first op shout in the back ref, or thats a blatant push ref. A quick reminder shuts them up for a bit. Or coming over at HT and saying the number 7( who is tearing his team apart) is kicking and fouling and swearing all through the game and every single incident is behind my back. When told this I didn't realise who the number 7 was but when I realised which player was no 7 because he had the ball most of the time he was one of the most closely watched players on the pitch.
I found out later the said CAR had been sent off by the ref in the last league game between the 2 teams. While administering a booking I had to tell him to get off the field as he decided to let me know I was doing the wrong thing. There were times when I thought he wasn't being fair but if some one is being devious it can be hard to catch them at it. Gut feeling on that one. Sums up all thats wrong with kids footie if you ask me.
We never use CARs. Question for those who use them. Can a listed player or team official be used as CAR? If so can they be cautioned or sent off while on CAR duty for things like dissent or OFFINABUS (or anything else a substitute or team official be sanctioned for)?
At OA you will regulary have a sub running the line in my area. Most of them are so bored and disinterested they can't be bothered with dissent. It sometimes looks if it is a real effort to raise the flag.
I had two fantastic car’s on Sunday, no cheating flagged for every ball in & out, I agreed in my head with every offside call it was a joy to have them both.

It really is luck of the draw to be honest.

As for your question regarding booking them or treating them like any other sub, if I felt there was an issue with the car a conflict of interest then I’d call the captain over and the Lino explain & ask him to drop the flag give it to sum1 else or don’t have a Lino at all.
We never use CARs. Question for those who use them. Can a listed player or team official be used as CAR? If so can they be cautioned or sent off while on CAR duty for things like dissent or OFFINABUS (or anything else a substitute or team official be sanctioned for)?
To the best of my knowledge and experience, CARs can be (and most often are) players or team officials. They are subject to the Laws of the Game as they apply to such individuals.
We never use CARs. Question for those who use them. Can a listed player or team official be used as CAR? If so can they be cautioned or sent off while on CAR duty for things like dissent or OFFINABUS (or anything else a substitute or team official be sanctioned for)?
Yes, and if you're cautioning them you'd almost certainly remove them from CAR duty at the same time. There's also a third lower class of offence where you would consider removing the flag from them without necessarily needing to show a card - things such as managing their team too much, not working hard enough or disagreeing/failing to support you appropriately.

Technically, they should refrain from "managing" completely while holding the flag, but I think it's important to apply common sense here when you're working at lower levels and allow them to chat to their players occasionally. The only trouble I've had with a CAR in a while came when he told his left back to get forward because the opponent's right back "looks like he's running through f'ing toffee!", which said RB took offence to. A very public reminder that the CAR needs to avoid getting involved with opponents if he wants me to hold up my end of the bargain and look after him did the trick there.
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Well it must work in some areas otherwise they wont use it. Possibility of red carding your own assistant is a can of worms I would not like to see opened in my area :)
Well it must work in some areas otherwise they wont use it. Possibility of red carding your own assistant is a can of worms I would not like to see opened in my area :)
If they've done anything worth a red card, they've stopped acting as your assistant and become a fully-fledged **** who happens to be holding a flag. Deal with them as such rather than as a CAR and it all makes sense!