Ref Signals to Assisstant


New Member
I was out watching Bristol City vs Bradford last night and I noticed a few times that the referee was gesturing to his Junior assistant on what the decision was being made when down the far end of the field of play. The assistant would then flag afterwards.
Would this just be to make it look professional and help sell the decision?
A&H International
Sometimes an assistant would not have as good as a view as the referee. It would have all be pre-planned, i.e. lots of eye contact, if you are not sure look at my hand, the reason so the signal is the same. It looks very tidy I agree, also it takes out the awkward moment, neither are sure who touched it last, the assistant goes one way, the referee the other... cue unwanted dissent.
Surely not quite right there, p4 (hit)

It may happen, granted, but if the assistant isn't sure then the flag is going straight up and staying there, until eye contact, perhaps a little shrug of the shoulders and the referee indicating the direction allow the assistant to follow his/her lead
Surely not quite right there, p4 (hit)

It may happen, granted, but if the assistant isn't sure then the flag is going straight up and staying there, until eye contact, perhaps a little shrug of the shoulders and the referee indicating the direction allow the assistant to follow his/her lead
And what happens if it is straight up but in the wrong hand, are we going to swap hands over head and look like a Sunday morning CAR or sweep the hand down, swap underneath and then put it back up in the correct hand, like a first year Supply League Assistant? Either way it's better to agree before the AR raises the flag and lessens the chance for crossing or undermining of the team's authority.
I was thinking of situations where the ball is only just off the field of play and the assistant flags but doesn't know the direction. :rolleyes:

That's what comes of only reading the shiny bits of p4 (miss)'s post
I was thinking of situations where the ball is only just off the field of play and the assistant flags but doesn't know the direction. :rolleyes:

That's what comes of only reading the shiny bits of p4 (miss)'s post
In that case, the flag is held directly downwards with both hands awaiting the referee's lead. Better to go a little slow and be accused of not being able to make your own mind up than shooting from the hip and making yourself and the referee look like numpties who can't agree on something as simple as a throw in
The only exception of course being when the ball has crossed the line but not obviously so. Flag has to go up. Is it better to guess at a direction if you don't know or wait for help from the middle?
Nah, you said 'not obviously so'........in which case the assistant wouldn't have raised his flag

what you meant to say was 'not obviously so to the referee'

Tricky beggar this language thingy