Ref forgets coin in WSL, gets players to play rock paper scissors.

A&H International
Yeah I think the problem is inconsistency from the FA - no punishment for getting KMIs wrong but then 21 day suspension for this? He's not right to do rock, paper, scissors but this is a huge overreaction.
is it correct as well that its 3 actual weeks, as opposed to a player getting a 2 game ban which can be served in the space of a week on most occasions?

So, 3 weeks without match sharpness, possibly missing an observation, and being blunt about it, 3 weeks of match fee's also?

You kind of hope in some small perverse way when say over Xmas there is that holiday shortage of referees, this one might go ,no sorry, no can do this weekend, and cause a bit of appointment panic somewhere .....
First - Not having your equipment is poor especially at this level. This does not directly impact the game itself as flags, cards, whistle, book, uncharged coms, etc. BUT it is unprofessional

Second - This is waaay too harsh in my opinion unless this is some kind of repeat offense. Some lesser manner of addressing it would be in order. Give him a formal letter of caution or minor fine for not maintaining the standards of the competition and move on. If he does anything similar again increase the consequences
First - Not having your equipment is poor especially at this level. This does not directly impact the game itself as flags, cards, whistle, book, uncharged coms, etc. BUT it is unprofessional

Second - This is waaay too harsh in my opinion unless this is some kind of repeat offense. Some lesser manner of addressing it would be in order. Give him a formal letter of caution or minor fine for not maintaining the standards of the competition and move on. If he does anything similar again increase the consequences
21 days even for repeat offence after a formal warning letter is too long. One game gets a message across.
21 days is the standard referee suspension for failing to proficiently apply the laws of the game in England, especially at senior levels. You have to remember this was live on TV as well, so whilst relatively minor it could be argued to have damaged the reputation of refereeing. Especially in the current climate where there are lots of complaints from the senior female game that they aren't treated the same way as the male game when it comes to refereeing, have you ever seen rock, paper, scissors used in a men's televised game … ?!
What punishment did Martin Atkinson’s team get for failing to apply law when Sol Bamba took his shirt off? They can’t all have not have seen it.
Damaged the reputation of the game far more than this did (not saying much!)
What punishment did Martin Atkinson’s team get for failing to apply law when Sol Bamba took his shirt off? They can’t all have not have seen it.
Damaged the reputation of the game far more than this did (not saying much!)

Don't disagree with that, usual problem though that it is very difficult to take disciplinary action against a paid employee. Has to involve HR, and any of you who have been involved in management at a big organisation will know what a painful process that is.
21 days is the standard referee suspension for failing to proficiently apply the laws of the game in England, especially at senior levels. You have to remember this was live on TV as well, so whilst relatively minor it could be argued to have damaged the reputation of refereeing. Especially in the current climate where there are lots of complaints from the senior female game that they aren't treated the same way as the male game when it comes to refereeing, have you ever seen rock, paper, scissors used in a men's televised game … ?!
While I understand this I don't agree with a one size fits all approach (or at least a minimum that is that long). I would say the same thing for a men's game.
While I understand this I don't agree with a one size fits all approach (or at least a minimum that is that long). I would say the same thing for a men's game.

Some have had longer, but that appears to be the norm for a "standard charge".
It’s harsh and personally I would assume there are some politics involved here.

But...R/P/S?? Could you choose anything more obvious to point out you forgot your coin? I have seen referees grab a blade a grass before calling the captains in and having them pick a hand, I have seen a pencil toss to see who it points to etc...that all looks normal ish if people glance over...captains having a play at r/p/s is like our 4th or 5th best save option. At least a weeks suspension for that judgement ;)
It’s harsh and personally I would assume there are some politics involved here.

But...R/P/S?? Could you choose anything more obvious to point out you forgot your coin? I have seen referees grab a blade a grass before calling the captains in and having them pick a hand, I have seen a pencil toss to see who it points to etc...that all looks normal ish if people glance over...captains having a play at r/p/s is like our 4th or 5th best save option. At least a weeks suspension for that judgement ;)

Another option is to start your watch as the captains arrive. Then at some point, stop it and have the captain call if the seconds are even or odd.
On another note, LOTG only requires that the winner of a coin toss picks the direction they attack. It doesn't specify the process of picking the winner. I get the away team to pick a coin toss outcome. Some colleagues 'assign' each team (your are heads, you are tails). Both of these are acceptable. Anyone using any other method to pick the coin toss winner?
On another note, LOTG only requires that the winner of a coin toss picks the direction they attack. It doesn't specify the process of picking the winner. I get the away team to pick a coin toss outcome. Some colleagues 'assign' each team (your are heads, you are tails). Both of these are acceptable. Anyone using any other method to pick the coin toss winner?
I used to make the non selecting captain toss the coin. I was surprised at how many folks couldnt toss a coin so I just toss it myself now
Ahhhh the dying art of tossing. Not many good tossers out there :D Some referees can do with a few lessons too. :)
I've never been really good at tossing a coin. One captain said to me "the ref last week was a proper tosser" I'm not sure how good his match control was, but his coin skills were good enough to be commented on....