Junior/Youth Red Card?


Southend United Supporter
Level 6 Referee
Today I refereed an under 14 academy match where, I think it was fair to say, the majority of the decisions went in the home side's favour. It is worth noting at this point that my policy is that if somebody calls me a cheat, or accuses me of cheating then I send them off.

After the game, when the players were shaking hands, the goalkeeper of the away side asked how much I was being paid. I took him to the side and asked what he was implying, but he was as thick as two short planks so I said 'are you calling me a cheat?' to which he said 'maybe', and eventually I got an answer of know out of him. He was clearly implying that I was a cheat, but because he did not say it directly, I felt that it would have been a difficult one to sell. Looking back I think maybe I should have sent him off but I'm not sure - should I have done?
A&H International
i guess it depends on the way in which you perceived it. if you thought he was just being bit cheeky then perhaps bit of advice to help him in the future

if you thought he was being insulting, which you thought that he was, then you would have every right to send him off

'He said to me, 'How much are you being paid'. I found his comment insulting, asked for his name and sent him off'

What's to sell. Leave it to the powers that be to deal with it and move on to the next game
Were you offended, insulted or abused by the player's comments? This makes it a sending-off offence, if so. Personally, a "not enough" would have sufficed but like lots of stuff here - you were there, we weren't. It's a fourteen year-old acting the big one. You go home with a match fee in your pocket, he goes home to his homework. Earth still rotates on its axis.
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Today I refereed an under 14 academy match where, I think it was fair to say, the majority of the decisions went in the home side's favour. It is worth noting at this point that my policy is that if somebody calls me a cheat, or accuses me of cheating then I send them off.

After the game, when the players were shaking hands, the goalkeeper of the away side asked how much I was being paid. I took him to the side and asked what he was implying, but he was as thick as two short planks so I said 'are you calling me a cheat?' to which he said 'maybe', and eventually I got an answer of know out of him. He was clearly implying that I was a cheat, but because he did not say it directly, I felt that it would have been a difficult one to sell. Looking back I think maybe I should have sent him off but I'm not sure - should I have done?

You either punish him or you don't; don't get involved in these "what did you mean to say by that?" conversations. Either send him off, caution him or nothing.