RA FA Incentive Scheme


Active Member

This will be my first season of using the scheme, and the forum, and I was wondering if anyone a list of the the things you can claim with a rough number of points of points needed?

A&H International
Look on the website and all info needed will be in your book when you get it should be next few days!
Thanks for the reply.

I received my book the other day and it had no info about items or prices.

As for the website, I can't access it - I don't know why.
the book will not have the prices in it. In the book you log all your games and meetings u go to.

At the end if the season you add them up right them on inside cover near your name - send it off.

You get an email soon after saying how many points you have. You then go into the site and choose your items

Items vary from year to year
My book arrived in the post, if you are not a member of the scheme I would highly recommend joining as it will help you get new kit, and other bits for free. Just looking for a new black wallet to put my logbook in now
it's weird i got the book to day but i already got the book and wallet last week :rolleyes: