
RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
Hi all,
I'm back after a short break and getting a new phone etc etc.

I've now started my promotion season. My division Referee Officer has my first appointment but said it is unlikely I will have an assessment on that day as it is so early into the promotion season as he is erring everyone ready for the tests/in house training a few weeks later.

I have been very fortunate to get a place on the training practical session on Friday 5th July PM with Howard Webb & Martin Atkinson. I plan on staying in the Hinckley hotel. Anyone else going to the session or the RA conference?

Be great to meet a few of you guys & girls

A&H International
Guess I'll be seeing you there Dave! I'm going to both. Are you going to both?
Ijust got an email that tickets now on same for eve of cup final - £15 - yep going to that as well ...
I'm definitely going to the Eve of Final (already booked and paid for), but still deciding about Conference.

I've been attending Conference for many years and have always enjoyed it, but since it moved to the Hinckley Island Hotel it's been pretty difficult for me to know which workshops I can get access to. I'm disabled and some of the workshops are held in upstairs rooms, and although there's a small lift it's quite difficult and time-consuming to negotiate a wheelchair around the tight corners and into the rooms - as I found out in 2011.

Not knowing in advance which workshops are being held where means I have to take pot luck, and last year I was unable to attend one of the workshops I'd booked for.

I can manage the Eve of Final on crutches as it's only for an hour or two, but Conference is a very long day and I need my wheelchair.

Anyway to anyone going to the Eve of Final, if you see a woman on crutches that will most likely be me, so please feel free to come and say hello. :)
If anyone is going to the conference pls let me know as I'm booking my hotel by Monday night - if no response I'm booking a double room otherwise we can have a twin room and share
Warning I've been known to snore!!!!
It was amazing - yesterday was great training with HW MA KF and others
The evening session was amazing the Q&A session was great
I may have won something BIG!!!

Today's workshops were amazing

Overall I loved it


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Wow dave I am so jelous I was thinking of getting a shirt from ebay and getting refs to sign it and get it framed
Cool! Gonna have to try and get to next years I reckon!