Quiet day at the office...


The avuncular one
...But a player said something which made me laugh.

Quiet game, orange score a goal, yellow team claim offside, I don't agree and am in a good position so happy with my call. Goal keeper loses his s&@t.

Caution administered (only one of the day). Keeper says "that is the best £10 I have ever spent"


Anyone had a player say something weirder than that during a caution/sending off?
A&H International
At a caution, player obviously isolated to administer it... "What... MY name?" :confused:

I had this the other day. U16, guy goes into a reckless challenge so I intend to caution. As he starts moving away, I tell him to come back and he turns around and goes "Me?" I respond with: "Who else would I mean?" He had a laugh and came over.
Called a player over to me for deceiving an opponent on Sunday, (shouted loudly as he was poised to shoot - UB.) He first claimed "me, what for?" then when told "its my hayfever mate." Me: "comes and goes quickly doesn't it, you should get that investigated, must be quite rare, hayfever in late September" He laughed. I cautioned him.
Booking a player during a game for a reckless tackle, he comes over laughing and saying ref I was only a bit late, he smoked the cigar but didn't have time time to put it out. Then said red least your consistent and walked away happy after recieving he's yellow
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Had a player a couple of weeks ago call me a 'donut', very loudly. Called him over and let him have his moan before telling him it was my turn to speak (good tip from an assessor that one). Then I said I wasn't going to book him for that as it was a ridiculous thing to shout - he laughed and said he didn't want to swear at me and that was the first safe thing that came to mind! Had to smile and ended up telling him not to shout anything in future, in case he says something even more stupid.

End of the game he comes up and shakes my hand, saying hope you come back soon, Donut!
A few years ago I was running the line in a local derby, and the ball squirted out of a tackle and went out for a throw in near me (my decision 100%) and I gave the throw to the home team, who were attacking. The away team centre back shouted "F*** me, Lino!" to which I immediately shouted back "No thanks, you're not my type!" I had the whole side of the ground laughing at that one!
- "Hey, fella, don't you come on me from 30 yards."

Whoops. I forget his response but we both laughed and any confrontation was dissolved.
It wasnt a caution but i did have a bit of a funny one at weekend. First minute ball comes into penalty box, blue player puts both hands up and stops the ball dead, i couldnt actually believe what he had done for a mniute (neither could his team mates), i point to the spot. His response, "Ref you have got to be joking, thats never a penalty, if i hadnt have put my hands up it would have hit me in the face" i kid you not and this is not kids its open age football. The penalty is scored and the defender continues to tell me that it was a shocking decision as it was his natural reaction to protect his face, luckily a few of his mates told him to shut up and gave him a few choice words!!
always makes me laugh that one; protecting my face! So you are admitting that you made a conscious decision to raise your hands deliberately of your own choice for no good reason, from a normal posture to an abnormal one and when they came into contact with the ball, you want a no handball decision? behave yourself.
Exactly. He actually said to me what am i susposed to do if its going to hit me in the face, my reply.....let it!! :)
One player made me chuckle on Sunday. red v white

Red thrown in. PLAYER A (red) stood with his BACK to player B (White) and player C (red). There is about 5yrd gap between A and B.

I witnessed player C push Player B. Bear in mind Player A has not moved as the ball went over his head.

Player A claims player C did not touch player B. My response, how could you see, you had your back to him.

Surprisingly, no response!!
Had a similar one to that @refdave83 a few games ago. An incident occurred, I think it may have been a foul throw or something like that (a relatively minor issue) and a player appealed for it. I said 'How did you see that? You weren't even looking!' (in a jokey manner) and he even admitted that he was just doing it to try and cause trouble! :p
Had a funny one in my U16 match this morning. Going into the last minute of the game and Blues are leading 1-0 with their defender on the ball right near his own penalty area! Blue coach shouts 'kick it as far away as you can', the defender then proceeds to try and hoof the ball away, only to trip over his own feet and put the ball out for a corner! :D