Pre match talk


New Member
Hi guys I’ve been reffing Sunday league for over a year now and still finding pre match talks to managers pretty awkward.
All I do is collect team sheets and ask for linesman to be volunteered. Is there anything important I need to do as well and how do I make it less awkward?
A&H International
IMO , trying to be always friendly is always a good thing. Sunday league needs to be a banter , a place to release the stress of the week so nothing too serious. Getting to know people and maybe finding something personal . Example : one of the managers is a fan of Man.Utd and u make a joke about that saying like : is Zlatan gonna score today ?(no discussion or anything just smile to his answer) or smilar stuff just to make a good atmosphere in and out the pitch . What kind of age group are u incharge ?
IMO , trying to be always friendly is always a good thing. Sunday league needs to be a banter , a place to release the stress of the week so nothing too serious. Getting to know people and maybe finding something personal . Example : one of the managers is a fan of Man.Utd and u make a joke about that saying like : is Zlatan gonna score today ?(no discussion or anything just smile to his answer) or smilar stuff just to make a good atmosphere in and out the pitch . What kind of age group are u incharge ?
Cheers for the tips mate on your question Just Youth football atm so u16s u15s that kinda thing so it’s not too bad
Cheers for the tips mate on your question Just Youth football atm so u16s u15s that kinda thing so it’s not too bad
ok than so i think being friendly with kids is always easy . Making them think you are not there to judge them/determine the game but make them have a good time (maybe the casual wink to a player just so you make him feel like there is a connection) and not focus on you. You need to be also carefull on finding one or two of "those" types of kids that have a big mouth and make them feel the authority. Not necessarily you need to show who comands every game but you sometimes need it to keep his teammates or the other team not escalate things. Np mate and remember to hf (dont take any of this advice by letter, always try to ask professionals and find it out urself but this is just my experience);)
I always love refereeing on a Sunday, because usually its the Jewish teams and they have the most polite kids I’ve ever met. Other teams seem to be nicer around them too. Never had any problems on a Sunday and I have one or two every week.
Everybody's different, banter is not for everyone. It may not be for you or the manager, so i would steer clear of that for now. Do 5 minutes research on each team before the game and engage with the manager about his team, shows that you have interest. So hows your season going? I see you beat Dog and Duck last week that was a good result? I see you can go top today with a win? That sort of thing.