Possible PK


New Member
Level 7 Referee
I recently was in the center of a U-19 mens game. Red was winning 1-0 at the point of the incident. A Red forward kicked the ball in to the box and then two blue defenders stepped in front of him sheilding him from the ball and gained possession. Red player then forces his way between the two Blue players and in the process gets tripped and goes down in the box. In my opinion it looked like an accident and red went down really easy in the box. Red team demain's a PK I yell load and clear "NO FOUL PLAY ON" then my Linesman puts his flag up at the same time. I wave him down. They continue to scream and shout never noticing my linesmans flag. Red goes on to win 3-0. After the match my linesman tells me it looked like a HARD tripping from behind but he was only 50% sure and he didn't have the angle either. Did I make the right call?
A&H International
Make sure it 100% And in Pre match say if your cutting grass or doing what you did in your case don't flag
Of course you made the right call. You said no foul, and you subsequently overruled the AR. That's pretty clear. You made a decision.

Could it have also been interpreted as a foul? Maybe, but impossible without footage with this one I think. Sound like you got it right. After 70 matches this season, I have every confidence in your judgement ;)
As described it is impossible to say. You viewed it as an accident caused by Red so that is the call.
I had something similar as you describe in a recent game although it was at half way. Anyway I did not give the foul either. At the end of the game a retired ref who I respect when I asked him thought it was a foul and he had good view of it. He knows that sometimes it can go either way. Like others an AR flag here was not helpful.
As for the initial incident - we can't tell if your decision on 'no foul' was correct, obviously. A defender may have tripped the opponent, or it could be the attacker who just fell over the opponent who did nothing wrong. The latter is probably more likely.

IMO you did well to respond immediately (in Aus though we're taught to not say 'play on' for a 'no foul', as this wording imples advantage, I think it might be the same over there from what I've read on the forum in the past). Your AR let you down - was it a CAR? If a NAR, this highlights why when there's a penalty you need to look to see first if your ref is completely unsighted, and if he is looking over for your opinion. Even if you think he may have a view but he looks over, he's probably saying he didn't see it and is looking for the AR's opinion. But the AR needs to let the referee have first crack at it and if the referee is completely and utterly unsighted and isn't looking for help, then leave it be.

And obviously as an AR calling a penalty, you need to have no doubt at all.
The only concern I would say is you said the attacker was tripped. If it was a defender that tripped him then it can still be a foul, even if it was a total accident.
The only concern I would say is you said the attacker was tripped. If it was a defender that tripped him then it can still be a foul, even if it was a total accident.
Agree - if your only reason for not giving a penalty was that it was an accidental trip then you may want to reconsider. If a trip actually occurred there is no requirement for it to be intentional. If however you saw it as a simple "coming together" after which the attacker went down in a way that you feel was not consistent with the amount or nature of the contact, then you could quite legitimately decide there was no foul.

You also say the attacker went down too easily - depending on how minimal the contact was and how easily he went down, you might even start to consider the possibility of simulation.
I think there's a difference between accidental and careless.
When a player has come through the middle of two opponents there's every chance that he's just fallen over the legs of the opponents as they were moving in a perfectly reasonable and considered manner for the ball.