Polar V800

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I'll take a tough game over an easy game any day!!
Level 4 Referee
Just got my Polar V800 delivered today and just completed a little run. What a great piece of kit!! I know some of you will be thinking "A level 8 with a Heart Rate Monitor? Whats the point?" but I go running every day and like to evaluate my performance. You can change the display settings to to suit YOU. Ive changed my custom screen to the Time of the day and the Duration so that I dont get distracted during the game thinking "oh ive ran 2.1 mile etc" using it in my game tomorrow, will keep you all posted!!

And no, I didnt pay full price, I payed #200 for it being used twice before, would rather have someone used it twice than pay #400!!.. if you see one going cheap ... GRAB IT!!
A&H International
Used it for the fist time in my game today, quick to pick the GPS, and away we go with a normal watch with my custom screen, analysis after the game is when this kicks in the price tag. Can scroll along the duration of the match to see speed, heart rate etc ... I scrolled along to the last minute when I waved away a pen with the scores at 2-2... massive jump from 162 to 188!!
Not too sure, Ive only used it on the polar flow website, you can see where youve been looks like google maps but it isnt
Great piece of kit mate
Any pictures of the analysis mate?

And who gives a damn if you're level 8 and got a heart rate monitor - do what the hell you want! Good on you.
Especially as you done 800 games or whatever it was... Got to spend that match fee cash on something!!
I wish I did 800 games, I'll screenshot the analysis now @drahc
They're updating the servers at the minute mate ... I'll post them as soon as possible


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@drahc a few screenshots from my little run this mornin mate

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Yeah you can set to Km/h as seen below. Here are screenshots from my U12 game yesterday

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You can but I haven't figured out how yet!!
They're class mate love mine :) it's an activity tracker too, if I've been sitting round too long it says time to et up and move!! Have a look on YouTube!!
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