Please Sponsor me for my 10k run in November

Dave Mac


Normally I wouldnt want to spam but this is just a quick email to ask if you could sponsor me in my 10k Mo Running event in Greenwich Park on November 12th. The link above takes you to my Mo profile where you can make a donation.

Back in the Spring my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer so its a charity close to my heart. This means every single penny I manage to raise is helping something that is effecting me and my family on a daily basis and is added motivation for me to get over that finish line!! So please as cliche as it sounds, every little helps!

Movember is a UK charity that supports the number one and two male specific cancers - prostate and testicular cancer. The funds raised are directed to programs run directly by Movember and their men’s health partners, The Prostate Cancer Charity and the Institute of Cancer Research. Together, these channels work together to ensure that Movember funds are supporting a broad range of innovative, world-class programs in line with their strategic goals in the areas of awareness and education, survivorship and research.
A&H International
Cheers Ross! Like i said is cliche but every penny makes a difference and I'll be sure to post pictures of me collapsing over the finish line for all ot laugh at!
I'll double my donation after seeing the pictures of you collapsed in a heap :D