Players save life

A&H International
The journalist crap in the 2nd post is something else
The first aiders in the 2nd post checked for a pulse (the first step in exactly zero first aid courses), put her in the recovery position (something you only do to a breathing casualty) AND THEN defy physics to start simultaneous chest compressions and rescue breaths (wait, I thought she was breathing?!?) on a casualty in the recovery position!! Amazing.

And her heart stopped apparently, something I suspect is completely made up for dramatic effect unless a cardiologist confirmed this in the 30 seconds it happened.

Training can inprove skills, or sometimes even teach some skills.

Dynamo Kiev did their first aid course and this was the result......


First aid course that teaches you to move an unconscious casualty, who you've just witnessed suffer a blow to the head, onto their back before sticking your hand in their mouth? Give that one a miss.
Plus you can't swallow you tongue.
Hope the GK was sent off.
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