Players/managers/coaches dissent

john Strachan

New Member
Level 7 Referee
We all have all had that game where every decision you make is met with dissent from player and manager/coaches, now we all know players will appeal even the most obvious decision, but when the players show lack of respect in the manner they speak to you really get me( I know a lot of them would not like it if we speak to them In That manner)does anyone have any advice on how to handle this rather than the obvious get the cards out,
A&H International
We all have all had that game where every decision you make is met with dissent from player and manager/coaches, now we all know players will appeal even the most obvious decision, but when the players show lack of respect in the manner they speak to you really get me( I know a lot of them would not like it if we speak to them In That manner)does anyone have any advice on how to handle this rather than the obvious get the cards out,
If it's a protest, then you can go up the steps in the stepped approach ... quiet word, obvious word, public rebuke supported by the captain, then caution and finally dismiss.

If it's dissent, which is usually accompanied by arm waving, gesticulating or running towards you from a distance, then just caution and get it over with.
Assistant referee on a ryman youth u18 game. I am usually a very strong person but last night I was tempted to tell the benches to f off. They where appealing every thing, calling me embarrassing, and I let it get under my skin and subsequently I made some rather elementary errors. Although I have had harder games where the managers and benches have been fine.

Lastnight I got the referee to say to them that if they have a problem with our performance to save it til the dressing room otherwise the referee will have to put a misconduct report for the behaviour of the bench. which is a potential £45 fine. how do you manage benches whilst trying to watch the game? they had 3 standing behind me and I kept on telling them to sit down
Assistant referee on a ryman youth u18 game. I am usually a very strong person but last night I was tempted to tell the benches to f off. They where appealing every thing, calling me embarrassing, and I let it get under my skin and subsequently I made some rather elementary errors. Although I have had harder games where the managers and benches have been fine.

Lastnight I got the referee to say to them that if they have a problem with our performance to save it til the dressing room otherwise the referee will have to put a misconduct report for the behaviour of the bench. which is a potential £45 fine. how do you manage benches whilst trying to watch the game? they had 3 standing behind me and I kept on telling them to sit down

On the last point, what are the league rules for standing up?
If you cannot control them, get the referee to bin them for breaching league rules. Do it on a day when he is being assessed = extra marks from the assessor!! (Agreed ? @Brian Hamilton)

Otherwise, what did the referee say in his PMI? What did you ask how to manage them?
It is his responsibility to manage the technical areas, you are there to assist. If in doubt, ASK. Each referee will do slightly differently
On the last point, what are the league rules for standing up?
If you cannot control them, get the referee to bin them for breaching league rules. Do it on a day when he is being assessed = extra marks from the assessor!! (Agreed ? @Brian Hamilton)

Otherwise, what did the referee say in his PMI? What did you ask how to manage them?
It is his responsibility to manage the technical areas, you are there to assist. If in doubt, ASK. Each referee will do slightly differently
Correct. The majority of dissent ferments in the TA and if you can act early to remove the instigator(s), it aids match control and earns brownie points from me and many of my gang.
Call the ref over, report the abuse and let him deal with it.
If I was the ref, I would then warn them that next outburst and they are watching the game from the car-park.
We all have all had that game where every decision you make is met with dissent from player and manager/coaches, now we all know players will appeal even the most obvious decision, but when the players show lack of respect in the manner they speak to you really get me( I know a lot of them would not like it if we speak to them In That manner)does anyone have any advice on how to handle this rather than the obvious get the cards out,

I am far too tolerant and try and calm them down, loud rebukes, involve the captain - all the classic steps. Late in the second half when the dissent is continuing and distracting/undermining my confidence I simply wish I had booked then in the first half then it becomes their problem if they want to continue. Maybe next week................
Saying all of that on Sunday the Captain removed a player (rolling subs) after I called him over to help with one of his players. Just before half time he asked me if his player could come on after half time and I was about to say yes when the said player launched into more commentary about my performance and the Captain and I just looked at each other with a knowing smile. Later I saw the player getting changed and walking off.
I am far too tolerant and try and calm them down, loud rebukes, involve the captain - all the classic steps. Late in the second half when the dissent is continuing and distracting/undermining my confidence I simply wish I had booked then in the first half then it becomes their problem if they want to continue. Maybe next week................
Saying all of that on Sunday the Captain removed a player (rolling subs) after I called him over to help with one of his players. Just before half time he asked me if his player could come on after half time and I was about to say yes when the said player launched into more commentary about my performance and the Captain and I just looked at each other with a knowing smile. Later I saw the player getting changed and walking off.
There is a fine line between dissent and protest. If it's a protest, then use the stepped approach (captains included, etc.) but if it's dissent, just get your cards out.
I am far too tolerant and try and calm them down, loud rebukes, involve the captain - all the classic steps. Late in the second half when the dissent is continuing and distracting/undermining my confidence I simply wish I had booked then in the first half then it becomes their problem if they want to continue. Maybe next week................

I admire your honesty for saying the above. The same rings true for me more often than not and I'll bet quite a few others on here too. ;) I'm confident in my ability to deal with dissent and control a match on my terms but am often guilty of relying on my tolerance level and/or the force of my personality too much when like you, on reflection, I should have just simply enforced the LOTG and got the cards out. :oops: I've decided to go for Level 5 this season and so I suppose (at least whenever I'm being assessed) I'm going to have to start showing less tolerance and be more glib about dishing out cautions or even dismissals. :cool:
I admire your honesty for saying the above. The same rings true for me more often than not and I'll bet quite a few others on here too. ;) I'm confident in my ability to deal with dissent and control a match on my terms but am often guilty of relying on my tolerance level and/or the force of my personality too much when like you, on reflection, I should have just simply enforced the LOTG and got the cards out. :oops: I've decided to go for Level 5 this season and so I suppose (at least whenever I'm being assessed) I'm going to have to start showing less tolerance and be more glib about dishing out cautions or even dismissals. :cool:

The last few weeks have been worse than ever with arguments and protests. I am reluctant to compare my experiences to what I saw during the Rugby World Cup but I am at the end of my tether so either I man up and start dishing out the cards or I retire. The players and managers will never be my friends and have little or no respect for me so why should I tolerate their behaviour. It is not good enough to say we do it for love, I feel awful until at least 24 hours after the final whistle after most matches. That means after a Saturday I can be moody before KO on Sunday.
I let myself down on Saturday as i swore at a player!!!
Where i should have given him a 2nd yellow!!!

Already cautioned he kept on and on and on and on!!!
Walking away after his caution, he's shouting and still swearing, i had called him back which he ignored, so should have given the 2nd yellow, but instead i said "12, 12, have you got sh1t for brains or something, just shut it and get on with your game"
Q the you cant speak to me like that, every one heard that i'm reporting you, i just said it was already in my report.
Kicking myself, but something just snapped and common sense left me.

Oh well, give me a few weeks break on a Saturday if he does report it

I find i'm cautioning more for mouth than i am for fouls recently, and these are the very straight forward decisions that everyone barr that 1 person can see i am right, i say to myself every game, your first caution will not be a C2 your first caution will not be a C2, several stepped approaches later bang C2 yellow card.
I wouldnt mind if they were decisions where i could be wrong, but there not!
2 worrying things developing here....

The knowledge that you should be cautioning but aren't because of your 'tolerance' level......this is clearly a manufactured tolerance designed to justify not cautioning.....

The self insistence not to make your first caution a C2.....just referee what is in front of you......otherwise you may end up taking far too long to caution someone for dissent thus setting the bar way too high.....stepped approach is fine, to a point....sometimes it just needs a card.
I let myself down on Saturday as i swore at a player!!!
Where i should have given him a 2nd yellow!!!

Already cautioned he kept on and on and on and on!!!
Walking away after his caution, he's shouting and still swearing, i had called him back which he ignored, so should have given the 2nd yellow, but instead i said "12, 12, have you got sh1t for brains or something, just shut it and get on with your game"
Q the you cant speak to me like that, every one heard that i'm reporting you, i just said it was already in my report.
Kicking myself, but something just snapped and common sense left me.

Oh well, give me a few weeks break on a Saturday if he does report it

I find i'm cautioning more for mouth than i am for fouls recently, and these are the very straight forward decisions that everyone barr that 1 person can see i am right, i say to myself every game, your first caution will not be a C2 your first caution will not be a C2, several stepped approaches later bang C2 yellow card.
I wouldnt mind if they were decisions where i could be wrong, but there not!

I once had a player moan at me for 70 minutes after every decision - I should have just killed it early with a C2 - and eventually as he's running next to me he's still wittering and I politely asked him to 'Shut the F up' meaning that when he replied with an 'F off' I had no legs to stand on.

Was years ago - I think I'd been reffing 6 months - but it is still a valuable lesson I learnt that day!