Players Favourite Sayings #2


Politically Incorrect
A couple of these I'm hearing more recently that are starting to get on my jubblies.

After a particularly reckless sliding challenge that has you possibly questioning a red 'But that's my first one ref' with sometimes added 'you have to let the first one go'. No.I.Don't.

Next is the old classic 'you can't say leave it can you ref?' :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Last one isn't frequent per se, but frequent when the situation arises.
I sent a player off at the weekend for his reaction to a challenge. He gets up off the ground, grabs a player around the throat and throws him to the ground. Clearly easy red no choice. I pull him over and produce the red, as he walks one of his team mates says 'come on mate, he has to work for half a day to pay for that'.

Not my problem pal. He's only himself to blame.

Anybody got any others with the moment?
A&H International
my pet hate?

'foul throw ref!' on every poxy throw!
'in the back!' ohh... you mean the defender placed his hands in front of his chest to stop you running into him and clashing heads? no foul!
'how long does the keeper want for kicks ref!' - please... his/shes barely had 4 seconds
'stop your watch ref!' - oh for the 2 metres he has to walk to collect the ball? no thanks

oh yeah, and after all the 'stop the watch ref' - you then get 'how much more added time do you want to play out here!'

had a game last week, away team wanting the ref stopped for every shoelace tying, every stoppage no matter how slight - at half time the home manager (away team were 2-0 up, home team not even in the game though) calmly says, stop the watch every time ref, see how they moan - which I did!

15 minutes of additional later ... I know it wasn't nice to do it but I hope I made next weeks ref's life a little easier!
Probably my favourite is when a side feel decisions are not going their way. And some bright spark will say " Even they are laughing at you."
"Just because they appealed for it"
"Come on ref, they didn't even appeal for it"

"What's the point in having a lino if you aint gonna use him"
"You don't have to use the lino, you can make your own decisions"

"You got to appeal ref aven't you"
"Ignore them ref, they appeal for everything"

"Speed them up ref"
"You ain't stopping the watch every time are you"

"He swore at you"
"He didn't swear at you, it was at his team mate"

"That has to be a pen"
closely followed by
"You bottled it"
"That was a soft one ref"

"Either it's a pen or book me for diving"

"You can't give that" as apparently you didn't give an identical one earlier

"That's his third/fourth/fifth bad tackle ref, when you gonna book him?"

"Are you adding this time on ref"

"How long to go ref" followed by another player asking exactly the same question followed by................

"You gotta be consistent ref"

"Give us something ref"
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'But I got the ball...'

Translated as...
(The fact that I came in knee high with studs up, through the back of his legs and would have put him off work for at least 3 months if I had missed doesn't matter - I GOT THE BALL)
I had one last weekend. U14s game between Whites and Pinks. White team attacker pushes the keeper away from the ball and I blow for a FK to the goalkeeper. Whites attacker says that can't be a foul as he was just challenging for the ball. I said to him that he wasn't even looking at the ball, he was looking at the Goalkeeper. He then pulls a face like a rabbit in headlights
I was AR in front of a small crowd on Sunday - that was fun.

"In the quadrant lino , that ball has to be in the quadrant"

Referee makes a decision far side of the pitch at least 50 yards away "You can go and talk to the ref lino it is allowed" Of course we've all seen that happen all the time haven't we?!!!

One for the afficiandos this one - simple shot goes wide far side from me, ref gives a goal kick. I'm not level with goal area line as 2nd last defender outside pen area, & because I didn't sprint down the touchline like a maniac and signal for a GK, my mate behind me decides 'Lino didn't have a clue about that one, no idea"

Just for the record I DID get into postion level with goal area, just not quick enough for said person!

Two sides ref!

I hate that one! There's this perverse belief that you have to award the same number of FKs to each side.

This is often heard if one side is on top, you're bound to give more FKs to that side if the other side are not getting out of their own half!
I love it when one of the managers turns out to be your 'assessor' in disguise! cheeky beggar! and give you a complete run down, minute by minute, decision by decision of the game as you pack away your utensils and then tend to follow you back to your car
You're not going to put those bookings through are you ref?

Yes I am. You did the crime, pay the fine.
Yes, this one gets on my nerves! Usual reply to this is "Are you going to put the result of the match through?":D
This might be unique to me because I am really tall, but:

Ref ten yards?? Your steps are like 2 normal steps!

Same response every time: (big smile) they are my baby steps mate, next time I might use my NORMAL steps! :)