Open Age Player taking shirt off to remove under armour

Rob Cully

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Had this in a game I was watching today.

Ball goes out for a goal kick. Whilst it’s out a player removed his shirt so he could remove his under armour. Whilst bare chested the game restarted and the player realised, panicked and interfered with play. What is the correct procedure and sanction?

Ref gave an indirect free kick but didn’t caution as the player wasn’t celebrating a goal and didn’t leave the field of play.
A&H International
Play on.

Offences and sanctions
For any offence, play need not be stopped and the player:
• is instructed by the referee to leave the field of play to correct the equipment
• leaves when play stops, unless the equipment has already been corrected
Had this in a game I was watching today.

Ball goes out for a goal kick. Whilst it’s out a player removed his shirt so he could remove his under armour. Whilst bare chested the game restarted and the player realised, panicked and interfered with play. What is the correct procedure and sanction?

Ref gave an indirect free kick but didn’t caution as the player wasn’t celebrating a goal and didn’t leave the field of play.
There’s no basis for an IFK unless a caution is given. And a caution for what?

sounds like the R had one of those “I don’t like that” movements, blew his whistle, and then wasn’t sure what to do. If a s an R you blow your whistle and realize there is no offense to penalize, the. It is an inadvertent whistle, and the restart is a DB.