Pet hates about your own performance

1. Whistle Twitch - "Ref you were going to blow then!"
2. Communication - Not talking to players enough during the game. I'm currently putting that down to the fact every player is much taller than me! Will get better at it over time.
3. My Height :D
A&H International
1. Whistle Twitch - "Ref you were going to blow then!"
2. Communication - Not talking to players enough during the game. I'm currently putting that down to the fact every player is much taller than me! Will get better at it over time.
3. My Height :D
I am 5 foot 11ins and i have 17 year old defenders tower over me like i'm 4 foot
1.) when I blow too quick and miss an obvious advantage
2.) when I play a great advantage and the teams f**** it up, just too long after to bring it back but short enough for them to gain little/if any advantage.

A tip I was given is to wait before calling an advantage... Think: foul - 1,2,3 - then decide whether to call advantage or pull it back... Gives you that extra time to decide
At Supply and above, referees are encouraged to signal immediately and then bring play back if it doesn't accrue. Makes you less likely to signal it is being played as frequently coming back makes you look indecisive.

My pet hate, players wanting to occupy the same blade of grass as me and usually running into me.
In my first few games I found myself kicking the opposite ankle when turning. Almost thought of wear ankle guards!
Sodding throw ins after half time.

Also, when you pre-empt the bloke who's been whinging all game with a 'No foul' call, and they turn and go 'I know, I wasn't appealing.' But you were for the rest of the sodding game.
What annoys me... the players can shout quicker than you can blow the whistle and some d*** says " you only gave that cos they shouted for it "