
A&H International
2 pens. One in top shirt pocket with match card etc and one spare in my short back pocket with mr red card.
Pen in my shirt pocket and a pencil clipped onto my yellow card in my shorts pocket
I have never had my pen or pencil run out on me, but my pen did once fall out of my pocket, luckily I saw it and managed to grab whilst the ball was out for a throw
2 pens - both in top left pocket, one clipped upright for easy access, the other wedged long ways in the bottom of the same to make sure there's absolutely no way I can lose it.

Earlier in the season I swapped the location of all my cards etc to make life a bit easier, god it was confusing for a while.

Took me about 20 games to get used to it :eek::confused:
reach for the cards. not there horrible feeling lol
Something like that.

More that I would reach through two or three pockets before finding the right one. Not helpful if you need a 'flash card' to diffuse a situation and pulled out the wrong one :eek:

Luckily that was never required.

I just looked like I'd put my shorts on back-to-front for a while instead :D
2 pencils, one in my right sock top, the other tucked into wristband on right forearm
if its wet i'll go with the powertank pen tucked in my sock, (although thats not great when you are trying to maintain eye contact)
I only go out with 1 powertank ...

judging by peoples response, I should take out a spare onto the actual field, rather than 1 in the bag?
Currently one Zebra extendable pen in the spine of my matchcard book, one powertank in shirt pocket and a spare ikea/argos pencil in other shirt pocket.

I don't get the pen/pencil in the sock brigade, at all.
Currently one Zebra extendable pen in the spine of my matchcard book, one powertank in shirt pocket and a spare ikea/argos pencil in other shirt pocket.

I don't get the pen/pencil in the sock brigade, at all.
i'm paranoid about making holes in my pockets, so i wont put anything pointy in there .... irrational fear of mine i just cant shake off, honestly, its a phobia i suppose ! weird weird weird :eek:
Currently one Zebra extendable pen in the spine of my matchcard book, one powertank in shirt pocket and a spare ikea/argos pencil in other shirt pocket.

I don't get the pen/pencil in the sock brigade, at all.
everybody put pencils down the sock years ago lol