Penalty shoot out - club assistants


What should you do as a referee where the two teams provide the assistant referee in a cup game that goes to penalties?

Firstly, do you ask for help or do you do it yourself without either of them?

And secondly, positioning...ok if you have a proper assistant but if you have none, or club assistants, does it change?

Any other advice welcome...in charge of a cup game this weekend and want to check.
A&H International
I had a cup game at weekend that went to penalties with CARs.

I don't ask for help from them, as there is no need to look for anything else. You don't have to look for players encroaching for example, so I stand on the goal line. That means I can look for goal line decisions, look at keeper, and don't have to worry about anything else. All players are in the centre circle for penalties, so no problem.

Treat the game as any other. Some cup games I ref are like normal league games, but some are a bit more heated, especially county cup games. Take the game as you would any other, and enjoy it!
I was thinking about this last weekend before a cup match. I had decided to stick them both in the centre circle and do as jojo says. Game ended after 90 minutes with a winner.
Yup, the only thing you need worry about when deciding a game on penalties is the goalkeeper's movement, and did the ball cross the line. No need fro ARs in this case.