Passing the time


Sam Neal

I always find I have 5-10 minutes spare before a match where I am just standing around, anybody got any pastimes when you've got some time on you hands pre match?
A&H International
I always find sticking some music on kills some time, especially if you've got a song on your phone lasting 10 minutes
I tend to wander around talking to people, then change, warm up on the pitch, prematch checks and chat, back to dressing room for some stretching and double check j have everything I need for the match. Game on.

You could try and time your warm up to coincide with kick off? Or thinking about a different thread, self massage? :D
If I've got a bit of spare time I like to watch the team's warm ups fairly closely. I feel that it helps to see what sort of things the players do in certain situations which could potentially help with positioning. Either that or conduct a ridiculously long pitch inspection. Had plenty of time to kill this morning as one team didn't turn up until 20 minutes after scheduled KO time!
I always have music playing in the changing room so keep that on and then just give my calfs a stretch because I apparently have abnormally tight calfs.... :/
I rarely have spare time. I work backwards from kick off time and fill it with, talking to the captains, talking to the players, carrying out a thorough equipment and field check, completing my warm up routine, getting the teamsheets, writing them into my notebook, speaking to the club officials from both teams, having a walk on the field. I find that can usually fill up to an hour before kick off. Before that I have my travelling time and preparation time at home which can add another 90 minutes or so.
Yes, that's a good point. When I said "relaxing" I was meaning to suggest that you should just slow down your pre-match activities and complete them in a more relaxed way. That way, you don't look like you're stressed before a match (an awful image to send) and you will be able to time it to be just immediately up to kick off.
If I've got a bit of spare time I like to watch the team's warm ups fairly closely.
I was doing exactly this last week and stumbled upon the manager of an U12 team teaching his goal keeper to foul without me noticing. I walked upon behind him and did the "he hem" cough and he turned around and grinned. I then walked off, the keeper didn't try it during the game.
I was doing exactly this last week and stumbled upon the manager of an U12 team teaching his goal keeper to foul without me noticing. I walked upon behind him and did the "he hem" cough and he turned around and grinned. I then walked off, the keeper didn't try it during the game.

Hope you reported it to your CFA welfare officer.
I like to spend the last 5-10 minutes listening to the banter, chat up from the teams in the dressing rooms, more in senior the junior football as it gives me an understanding of who's up for the game especially when you can here players names, nicknames etc...
If its Juniors then I spend the last 5-10 watching the warm up's whilst warming up myself.