The Ref Stop

passed fitness test

Paul Jones

New Member
just to let you all know i passed my level 6 fitness test on weds night

run 150 mtrs in 35 sec
walk 50 mtrs in 45 x8

40 mtrs sprint in 7 sec

all good and easier than the old test lol
The Ref Stop
Nicely done guys. Can't say I've heard if a level 6 fitness test though
Paul talking to someone today, am I correct that Level 6 in Wales isnt the same as Level 6 in England?
Now the hard work starts . . . keeping up that level of fitness! In fact, on the new podcast, we recorded it at the track where i did the test so we manged to get some good little bits from some of the other guys . . .
Congratulations. I'm surprised that there is not a "long" run for you to do. In Canada, we need to do 2400 m in 12 minutes with no walking allowed for the entire 12 minutes.
Congratulations. I'm surprised that there is not a "long" run for you to do. In Canada, we need to do 2400 m in 12 minutes with no walking allowed for the entire 12 minutes.


FIFA (and the SFA) dropped the 12 minute run as a relevant fitness test at least 7 years ago, i'm surprised that some National Associations still use it and haven't adopted the FIFA test.
I've always argued that it isn't relevant to in-match fitness. I much prefer the FIFA test, having run it, and I find it more appropriate to the in-match requirements. Thanks for letting me know.
I have just completed a fitness test with British Military Fitness. Part of it being a 1500m run quick as poss. I'm ok at running and managed it in 6.30minutes.
I know I'm only a level 7 and my 1st fitness test will be if I ever get to level 4 but is it just a 2700m sprint in 12min you have to do or is there more??


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Dave, the current L4 fitness test requirements are;
Blood pressure in stable numbers
12 minute continuous run, completing minimum 2,600m
30 minute rest
2 50m sprints each in under 7.5 seconds.

Hope that helps, Dan
Hi dan,
When you do the test do you do it on a treadmill on outside??
When I train I much prefer running outside. I hate training on treadmill it seems to knacker me out a lot quicker.
I assume the 2 sprints are outside as well. What rest do you get between each sprint?

Outside, on a track. 30 minutes between 12 min run and first sprint and then both sprints back-to-back (you walk from finish to start line as your rest)