Only at a Tournament......


Tournament held at all weather pitches, U16- U10 teams, posted round the pitches are signs saying no blades/studs allowed. Tournament rules say blades/moulded or trainers allowed.
This particular U11 manager took exception of teams wearing studs/bladed boots as it gave them an unfair advantage.
When he was told that numerous teams would not be excluded he took exception to this, with this reply :" If they can cheat so can i"
So as he had two teams in the tournament he mixed and matched them (not allowed in tournament rules) depending on the teams he was playing against. When he was reported all hell broke loose. He said "they can cheat wearing any boots, so i can cheat as well"
He was told that teams can play in any boots and he was not allowed to mix his two teams, and he refused. He was told he would be excluded from the tournament he said " Don't bother i'm pulling my teams out.
The game i was just about to k.o. he pulled his team off the pitch, and they forfeited the game 3-0.
His other team was halfway through a match and he walked on the pitch and pulled them off.
Amongst some of the kids crying having their tournament spoilt, and the parents going mad at him, the tournament official told him to leave (and stop swearing). Found out afterwards his two teams weren't doing very well and would not have progressed any further....says it all really.... How the hell this guy manages any football teams is beyond any sense.
A&H International
Well done him for sticking to his principles, not allowing his personal sense of indignation to get in the way of player enjoyment and allowing the kids in his teams to have a great run out and make new friends...

Oh, sorry I misread the OP ;) . What a disappointment for the kids and their parents and the opposition. They might all be looking for new clubs this morning.